You need to know the following information if you have unexcused days: Any student who has been absent from school without valid excuse for six (6) days or more, or tardy without valid excuse on six (6) days or more, is a habitual truant.
What happens??? 2 unexcused days…..the school attendance clerk will talk to the student and call home 3 unexcused days…..a letter home 4 unexcused days……a letter home and a conference with the student/parent or guardian 5 unexcused days…..a truancy notice will be delivered to the parent/guardian THEN ……
6 or more unexcused days…….a truancy notice will be sent out and a summons will be issued for the parent/guardian to appear in court If the student is 12 ½ years of age, the student will also be summoned to appear in court The truancy will follow the student until the judge releases them. There is no clean slate each school year once truancy is filed.
IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY… Parent/guardian and the student are responsible for keeping up with your attendance. A student MUST turn in a valid excuse within 5 days of the absence or it cannot be accepted. The absence will stay unexcused.
5 days!!!!!!!!!!! Parent notes are limited to 5 missed days per year. This means if you miss 3 days for sickness and you bring a parent note, you only have 2 days left for parent notes. If you go to the doctor, bring the doctor’s excuse! The doctor’s excuse MUST cover all the days you were absent.
SCHOOL EXCUSES Examples of acceptable excuses for school absence: Student Illness Funeral Religious Holiday
SCHOOL EXCUSES Examples of excuses that are unacceptable and will be unexcused: Student stayed up too late
SCHOOL EXCUSES Examples of excuses that are unacceptable and will be unexcused: Student missed the bus
SCHOOL EXCUSES Examples of excuses that are unacceptable and will be unexcused: Student overslept
SCHOOL EXCUSES Examples of excuses that are unacceptable and will be unexcused: Student didn't feel like going to school And we aren’t talking about being sick…..we are talking about “don’t want to go to school today” And we aren’t talking about being sick…..we are talking about “don’t want to go to school today”
SCHOOL EXCUSES Examples of excuses that are unacceptable and will be unexcused: Student stayed home to help parents
SCHOOL EXCUSES Examples of excuses that are unacceptable and will be unexcused: Someone else in the household is ill If this isn’t you, you should be in school!
SCHOOL EXCUSES Examples of excuses that are unacceptable and will be unexcused: Parent overslept
SCHOOL EXCUSES Examples of excuses that are unacceptable and will be unexcused: Parent doesn't know if school is in session
DO YOU PARTICIPATE IN EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (SPORTS TEAMS, CHEERLEADING, BAND, ACADEMIC TEAM, BETA ETC.)????? The Millard School SBDM Policy regarding Extra-Curricular Programs states: All participants in extra-curricular activities will follow Pike County Board policy. "Any student who has an unexcused absence or tardy from school shall not participate in extra-curricular activities on the day of the absence or tardy."
DO YOU PARTICIPATE IN EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (SPORTS TEAMS, CHEERLEADING, BAND, ACADEMIC TEAM, BETA ETC.)????? This means if you are tardy or absent, it will be reported to your coach. If you participate in extra- curricular activities and are tardy, you need to bring your valid excuse to the attendance clerk when you check in. She will clear you with your coach. If you are absent but come to participate in an activity, show your coach your valid excuse. Then turn it in to the attendance clerk the next school day.
EHO Every student in Kentucky is granted up to ten (10) EHO days. An EHO shows in the student's school record as an EHO day instead of a school absence. Examples of EHO's are: Doctor Visits that provide the student with an opportunity for career exploration, trips involving educational experiences, activities that include spelling, math, reading and/or activities related to vocational/practical living content. To have an absence marked as an EHO, the parent/guardian needs to complete and sign an EHO application form for the absence.
Tardies IF YOU ARRIVE AFTER 8:05 AM, YOU ARE TARDY. YOU MUST SIGN THE STUDENT ENTRY AND EXIT LOG AT THE FRONT OFFICE. YOU MUST TAKE A TARDY SLIP TO YOUR TEACHER UNEXCUSED TARDIES CAN LEAD TO TRUANCY. You might be counted absent for the WHOLE day if you do not sign the entry/exit log and turn in a tardy slip.
Don’t waste your days! Why??? Because you will get sick! Remember that stomach virus??? …..the flu??? ……that bad head cold you had???? If you have a doctor’s excuse, it MUST cover all the days you are out, Otherwise, you need a parent note. (Remember, parent notes are limited to 5 missed days per year. )
Turn in your excuses…. An excuse must be turned in within 5 days. You will not see any Reminder Notes about absences without excuses this school year. It is YOUR responsibility to keep up with your attendance.