Click to edit Master subtitle style 11/27/13 Pathfinder Basic Staff Training Outreach Ministries By Reginald J. Hill
11/27/13 Outreach Ministries Matthew 28:19 19Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:,
11/27/13 7 Points Physical Social Spiritual In Reach Up Reach Out Reach Servant
11/27/13 Outreach Ministries Physical pertaining to that is material: the physical universe; the physical sciences Social seeking or enjoying the companionship of others; friendly; sociable Spiritual pertaining to the or soul, a spiritual approach to life
11/27/13 Outreach Ministries In Reach Keep the morning watch = I will have prayer and personal bible study each day Self-Values
11/27/13 Outreach Ministries Up Reach King Jesus the Savior A knowledge of God is the foundation of all true education and of all true service. It is the only real safeguard against temptation. It is this alone that can make us like God in character. True Knowledge of God the Ministry of Healing Page 409A To Be like Jesus
11/27/13 Out Reach Go on God's errand I will always be ready to share my faith and go about doing good as Jesus did.
11/27/13 Servant Serving others, selflessness, having little or no concern for oneself, especially with regard to fame, position, money, etc.; 2 Kings 5:2-4 – the Little Maid & Naaman Values Others
11/27/13 Outreach Ministries Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Savior mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He call them, “Follow Me.” Ministry of Healing pg. 143
11/27/13 Examples of Creative Outreach (Locally) Disaster Relief – Community Service Dept. Church Clean Up Homeless ministry ( YWCA/Food Bank/ Prepare & Serve Meals) Healthcare Center/ Nursing Home/Children's Hospital Park Clean-Up Acts of kindness ( pass out light bulb, pay a person laundromat wash/dry)
11/27/13 Alabama Tornado 2011 Disaster Relief
11/27/13 Alabama Tornado 2011 Disaster Relief
11/27/13 Alabama Tornado 2011 Disaster Relief
11/27/13 Alabama Tornado 2011 Disaster Relief
11/27/13 Alabama Tornado 2011 Disaster Relief
11/27/13 Alabama Tornado 2011 Disaster Relief
11/27/13 Alabama Tornado 2011 Disaster Relief
11/27/13 Alabama Tornado 2011 Disaster Relief
11/27/13 Prepare to Serve Meals
11/27/13 Prepare & Serve Meals
11/27/13 Serving Meals
11/27/13 Community Service Dept
11/27/13 Community Service Dept
11/27/13 Basic Outreach If I can help somebody, as I pass along, If I can cheer somebody, with a word or song, If I can show somebody, how they're travelling wrong, Then my living shall not be in vain.
11/27/13 Question & Answer
11/27/13 Thank You Reginald Hill