RDA in MARC American Library Association July 2009 Sally H. McCallum Library of Congress
Overview Good news MARC changes Process Principles Content, media, carrier types Attributes for names and resources Relationships Other Documentation
Good news RDA was designed to be compatible with MARC 21 most libraries creating RDA data are currently using an ILS that imports/exports data in MARC 21
245 Title statement $a Title2.3.2 Title proper $b Remainder of title2.3.3 Parallel title proper Other title information Parallel other title information $c Statement of responsibility, etc Statement of responsibility relating to title proper $n Number of part/section of a work Title proper $p Name of part/section of a work Title proper
300 Physical description $a Extent3.4 Extent File size 7.22 Duration $b Other physical details3.6 Base material 3.7 Applied material 3.8 Mount 3.9 Production method 3.11 Layout 3.14 Polarity 3.15 Reduction ratio 3.16 Sound characteristic […] 7.15 Illustrative content 7.17 Colour content 7.18 Sound content $c Dimensions3.5 Dimensions $e Accompanying material27.1 Related manifestation
MARC Changes Process - Working Group Everett Allgood - New York University and CC:DA Liaison Corine Deliot - British Library Rebecca Guenther - Library of Congress Bill Leonard - Library and Archives Canada Sally McCallum - Library of Congress Marg Stewart - Library and Archives Canada and Joint Steering Committee Liaison Martha Yee - UCLA Film and Television Archive Rich Greene – OCLC John Espley – VTLS Reinhold Heuvelmann – Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Rhonda Lawrence – UCLA Kathy Glennan – University of Maryland Bill Moen – University of North Texas, School of Library and Information Sciences
MARC Changes Process MARBI paper from JSC in January 2008 Organized Working Group in early 2008 Worked from summaries of possible differences provided by the JSC liaison Met every week via teleconference Divided up the work – 25 items initially Proposals Discussion papers No Change needed Contractor analysis needed RDA intent not yet clear June 2008 – 4 Proposals, 5 Discussion Papers January 2009 – 3 Proposals, 2 Discussion Papers June 2009 – 3 Proposals, 3 Discussion Papers
MARC Changes Working principles FRBR entities and RDA data MARC 21 will continue to be used by diverse communities with different rules and data models – although RDA will be prominent Neutral concerning which types of records (authority, bibliographic, holdings) map to which FRBR entities Neutral and flexible with respect to enterprise database designs that ingest MARC data, but enabling enterprise use of any of the designs hypothesized by RDA
MARC Changes Working principles Parsing data Weigh parsing of data at point of data entry and possible increase in cataloging costs, against enhanced end user experience. Consider the existing MARC Principles for parsing data: Categorical indexing or retrieval Special manipulation or formatting Favor use of system-generated display labels based on a field tag or a subfield code, as is common already
MARC Changes Working principles Coded values for RDA terms RDA term lists are open ended and not meant to be closed and complete Exactly aligning MARC code lists with RDA term lists is not necessary – but comparison and adjustment is useful
Content, media, and carrier types RDA 6.10 content type RDA – “fundamental form of communication in which the content is expressed and the human sense through which it is intended to be perceived” E.g., still image, text, 3-dimensional form RDA 3.2 media type RDA – “general type of intermediation device required to view, play, run, etc., the content of a resource” E.g., audio, microform RDA 3.3 carrier type RDA – “format of the storage medium and housing of a carrier” E.g., audio disc, microform cassette Open ended RDA term lists for each type
Content, media, and carrier types Content type MARC Leader/06 - must continue to use –Less granular than RDA –MARC LDR/06 code examples »e - cartographic material »f - manuscript cartographic material New field use if want to record exact RDA terms $a Content type terms $2 Source –RDA term examples »cartographic dataset »cartographic image »cartographic moving image »cartographic tactile image »cartographic tactile three-dimensional form »cartographic three-dimensional form –336 ## $a cartographic dataset $2 rda
Content, media, and carrier types Media type MARC 007/00 – close match with RDA 007 provides coding for multiple facets of resource –MARC 007/00 code examples »h - microform »s - sound recording New field use if want to record exact RDA terms and/or do not need to code additional facets of resource $a Media type term $2 Source –RDA term examples »microform »audio –337 ## $a microform $2 rda –337 ## $a audio $2 rda
Content, media, and carrier types Carrier type MARC 007/01 – close match with RDA 007 provides coding for multiple facets of resource –MARC 007/01 code examples »b - microfilm cartridge »d - sound disc New field use if want to record exact RDA terms and do not need to code additional facets of resource $a Carrier type term $2 Source –RDA term examples »microform cartridge »audio disc –338 ## $a microfilm cartridge $2 rda –338 ## $a audio disc $2 rda
Attributes of names and resources RDA specifies attributes that are currently included in headings (preferred access points) and additional ones from FRAD Attributes of names persons, families, corporate bodies recorded in MARC “name” Authority record in heading or in separate field Attributes of resources works and expressions recorded in MARC “name/title” Authority record (common model) or in Bibliographic record for work or expression (possible model) in heading or in separate field
Attributes of names (Authority format) Dates: birth and death, period of activity, corporate establishment and termination, family Access point: $d for persons and meetings New 046 (Special coded dates) Same field as in Bibliographic record with new subfields Places: of birth, death, residence, associated with person or family, corporate headquarters Access point: $c for meetings New 370 (Associated place) Address: of person or corporate body New 371 (Address) Modeled on 720 from Bibliographic format Activities: field of activity of person or corporate body, affiliation and occupation of person Access point: $c for persons New 372 (Field of activity) New 373 (Affiliation) New 374 (Occupation) Gender New 375 (Gender) Families: type, hereditary title, prominent member New 376 (Family information) Language: of person or corporate body New 378 (Associated language)
Attributes of names (Authority format) Example 100 0# $aSpagna $c(Artist), $d ## $a Artist 046 ## $f1450 $g1528 Example 110 2# $a Double Image (Musical group : 1977-) 046 ## $s ## $a Musical group Example 100 1# $a Singer, Isaac Bashevis, $d ## $f1904 $g ## $a Radzimyn, Poland $b Surfside, Fla. –[born in Radzimyn, Poland; died in Surfside, Fla.]
Attributes of works and expressions (Discussion Paper currently at MARBI) Form of work E.g., motion picture, play, music, symphony Access point: parenthetical in $a or $t titles No controlled RDA list New 380? (Form of work) in Bibliographic and Authority Date of work / of expression Access point: $f in titles 046 (Special coded dates) - additional subfields in Authority Place of origin of work Add new Authority field 370 (Associated place) to Bibliographic Other distinguishing characteristic of work / of expression New 381? (Other distinguishing characteristics) to Bibliographic and Authority Medium of performance Access point: subfield $m New 382? (Medium of performance) to Bibliographic and Authority Numeric designation of a musical work Access point: subfield $n New 383? (Numeric designation of musical work) to Bibliographic and Authority Key of a musical work Access point: subfield $r New 384? (Key) to Bibliographic and Authority
Attributes of works and expressions (draft currently at MARBI) Example 130 0# $aCinderella (Choreographic work) 380? ## $aChoreographic work Example 100 1# $aBach, Johann Sebastian,$d $t $aKaffee- Kantate 383? ## $cBWV 211 Example 100 1# $aFaith, Richard,$d1926-$tMiniatures 382? ## $aoboe $apiano 382? ## $aclarinet $apiano
Attributes of names and resources Again, attributes may be recorded In separate new field In heading subfield, if available, In both Note (15 July 2009): These PowerPoint slides have been changed to reflect the decision made the day after the program to use the 37X range (rather than the 62X range) in the Authority format for the Name attributes. The Resource attribute tags (38X) in the previous two slides are under discussion and not yet approved.
Relationships Resource to name RDA Appendix I Examples: author, artist, illustrator, cartographer, conductor Resource to resource RDA Appendix J Examples: dramatized as (work); sequel; digest of (expression); filmed with (manifestation) Name to name RDA Appendix K Examples: alternate identity, employee, founder, descendent, founding family Names = persons, families and corporate bodies Resources = works, expressions, manifestations and items
Relationships Name to resource Relationship designators In Bibliographic 1XX, 6XX, 7XX, and 8XX –record relator terms in $e ($j for X11) –700 1# $aSmith, Elsie, $d , $eillustrator –700 1# $aGalway, James. $eperformer $econductor In Authority 1XX, 4XX, 5XX –record relator terms in $e ($j for X11) –100 1# $aBlum, Leon, $d , $edefendant $tLeon Blum devant la Cour supreme, Riom. $lHebrew
Relationships Resource to resource RDA specifies 4 basic linking methods: Identifiers such as ISBN, ISSN, record control number, URIs e.g., $x, $w, $0, $u subfields; 856 field Authorized access points e.g., Bibliographic 7XX; Authority 4XX and 5XX Structured description fields e.g., 76X-78X Unstructured description fields (notes) e.g., Bibliographic 500; Authority 600
Relationships Resource to resource Relationship designation Identifier linking methods Bibliographic and Authority 856 –Relationship expressed in $y Other identifiers in specific fields that indicate relationship Authorized access points Authority 4XX and 5XX; Bibliographic , 730 Relationship expressed in subfield $i Structured description fields Bibliographic 76X-78X (Linking entry fields) Relationship expressed in tag, indicator, and/or subfield $i Notes Authority 6XX and Bibliographic 5XX Relationship expressed in text of note
Relationships – Resource to resource Authorized access points Designation in $i (proposed) Bibliographic record $a Triumph : $b for concert band / $c by Michael Tippett # $i paraphrase of $a Tippett, Michael, $d $t Mask of time. Authority record 130 #0 $a Alice in Wonderland, or, What's a nice kid like you doing in a place like this? / $c Hanna-Barbera Productions # $i parody of $a Carroll, Lewis, $d $t Alice's adventures in Wonderland.
Relationships – Resource to resource Linking entry fields, 76X-78X Designation in indicator (continued by) $aPreliminary seismological bulletin $tTEIC quarterly seismological bulletin $x $w(DLC)sc# # Designation in tag (issued with) $aMythlore # $tMythprint $x Designation in $i 100 1# Verdi, Giuseppe, $d $a Otello $b full score 787 0# $i reproduction of $a Verdi, Giuseppe, $t Otello $d Milan : Ricordi, c1913
Relationships Name to name Authorized access points Authority 4XX and 5XX Relationship expressed in subfield $w/0 or in $i Designation in $i $a I.M. Pei & Partners 500 1# $a Pei, I. M $d $i founder
Mis’l other additions for RDA 502 (Dissertations) additional specificity in for degree type, institution and date Under consideration Date of capture (enhanced 518) Repeatability of ISSN subfield in 490 Subfield for URIs for values
Where to find MARC/RDA change information Documentation - Draft documentation of approved changes Links to documents describing possible changes under discussion Direct link: RDA.htmlwww.loc.gov/marc/formatchanges- RDA.html Examples will be added after decisions from this MARBI meeting are finalized
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