The Parable of the Two Sons Matthew 21:28-32
Introduction Many times Jesus told parables in response to questions –“The Unmerciful Servant” –“The Laborers in the Vineyard” The next few parables are told in response to challenges from those who opposed Him
Setting Jesus has entered Jerusalem for His final Passover The religious leaders are trying to confound Jesus with trick questions Immediately before the parable, they asked Him by whose authority He did these things –Matthew 21:23-27
The Parable Mt 21:28-30 –A man with 2 sons tells both sons to go work –The first says he won’t go, but then goes –The second says he will go, but doesn’t go
Explaining the Parable Jesus begins His explanation with a question –“Which of the two did the will of the father?” (v. 31a) Even the religious leaders knew the answer was the first Jesus’ reply to those leaders (vv 31b-32) –The religious leaders were the second son They said they would obey God, but didn’t –Sinners are the first son They had turned their backs on God, but then repented
The message of the parable Answering His own question from v. 25 –John’s baptism was obviously from God –The leaders knew that, but had not obeyed –The sinners also knew that and had obeyed Therefore the sinners will be more acceptable to God than the religious leaders (The question of authority will be addressed in the next parable)
Application We must be “doers” not just “sayers” –Mt 7:21-27 –Mt 28:19-20 He said “Go … make disciples … baptize them …teach them” It’s one thing to say “Yes”, it’s another to actually do it –1 Cor 7:19; 1 Jn 2:3-4 –Titus 3:1, 8, 14
Application Anyone can repent and be acceptable to God by obeying His commands –Rom 3:23 – We are all equally sinners –1 Cor 6:9-11 – No matter your sins, they can be forgiven –Acts 2:37-38 – Repent and be baptized
Conclusion The “religious” people of Jesus’ day did not obey the simple commands of God –They would not enter the kingdom The sinners who were willing to repent and obey were the ones who would enter the kingdom Which group do you belong to?