Lifelong Guidance system design: Cross- cutting policy implementation for reaching out to educational institutions BORBÉLY-PECZE, Tibor Bors, Ph.D. National.


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Presentation transcript:

Lifelong Guidance system design: Cross- cutting policy implementation for reaching out to educational institutions BORBÉLY-PECZE, Tibor Bors, Ph.D. National Labour Office of Hungary 20-21, November, 2013 Da Nang, Viet Nam

Transversal role of Career Management Skills (CMS) Career Management Skills refer to a whole range of competencies which provide structured ways for individuals and groups to gather, analyse, synthesise and organise self, educational and occupational information as well as the skills to make and implement decisions and transitions (ELGPN, Sultana, 2009)

Transitions management- EU: „PES 2020” model for adaptation IMPROVED OUTREACH CAPACITY TRANSITIONS BROKER PARTNERSHIPS Ongoing modernisation of PES Business Models PES actions for enhancing youth employment prospects

Cooperation between schools and PES employment/career guidance services Different models Who? School staff (mainly teachers) deliver CMS An external provider e.g. PES deliver CMS in schools...or a combination of these (mixed model) How? specified pedagogical activity, built into the curriculum (NCC at national level) cross-curricular development extra-curricular activities

Services include 3 main elements Career information; covering information on courses, occupations and career paths. This includes labour market information. It may be provided in a printed form, but increasingly is web-based in nature. Career counselling; conducted on a one-to-one basis or in small groups, in which attention is focused on the distinctive career issues that individuals face. Career education; as a part of the educational curriculum, in which attention is paid to helping groups of individuals to develop the competences for making their career development. UNESCO-UNEVOC, Watts (2013)

Hungarian PES developments Development of a national lifelong guidance system; implemented by PES (phase I ; phase II ) Key elements: develop tools for practitioners train practitioners on a cross-sectoral base (incl. school staff) develop a national website for LLG: managing the transitions

National LLG portal

Sectors of the trainees ; n=2000

Conclusions Changing the NCC or PES business model are the first steps only: adaptation & implementation require time For developing a cross-sectoral lifelong guidance network & system training is an effective additional tool There is no common understanding on LLG activities and the required skills of the practitioners: PES and school have been using different languages Training must be combined & followed up with IT support and mentoring

Thank you for your attention! Q&A