Connector – language of analysis How many different ways can you use to express the following overused phrases? I know this becauseThis shows...The quotation means. I know this becauseThis shows...The quotation means This is evident by...which highlightsThe words [insert words “...”] revealed in the line...that expressesThe [insert technique] indicates [Insert character’s name] says “...”...revealsThe powerful imagery of....further emphasises......demonstratesThe writer intends for the reader to....
By the end of today’s lesson I will: Have read chapters 6 and 7 Understand the importance of using PEAS when writing an answer in GCSE
Task 1 Read chapter 6 How have things changed on Animal Farm? Write down 5-10 quotations to show how things have changed. Use embedded quotations to make your writing more sophisticated (and save time in the exam!). E.g. The animals struggled to complete the windmill which was “a slow laborious process” and an “exhausting effort”. Try to complete answer the above question using at least one embedded quotation.
Point Evidence Analysis Speculation Turn the question into a statement – get straight to the point, Only one or two sentences. Provide a quotation from the text. Try to embed your quotation as part of your sentence. It should be no longer than one line. Vary your expression. Try not to use “I know this because” Comment on what your evidence suggests. Analyse key words or techniques used if appropriate. Try not to overuse the expression “this shows” Provide your own opinion and/or alternative interpretation. If possible link it back to the question and think about the bigger picture of ‘why’. Do not repeat your point!
Model example of analysis Things begin to change rapidly after the expulsion of Snowball by Napoleon and his vicious dogs. For example the animals feel a “vague uneasiness” (p.43) when the pigs decide to trade with human beings. This suggests that the animals know deep within that it is against the principles of Animalism. However, they are afraid to voice their concerns – when they do, their voices are “timid” which suggests that they are being ruled by fear of Napoleon and his dogs. This is further supported by the line “they were promptly silenced by the tremendous growling of from the dogs”. How have things changed on Animal Farm? Embedded quotations Analysis involving that certain words or phrases “suggest ” Developed interpretation Use of discourse markers
Model example of speculation Things begin to change rapidly after the expulsion of Snowball by Napoleon and his vicious dogs. For example the animals feel a “vague uneasiness” (p.43) when the pigs decide to trade with human beings. This suggests that the animals know deep within that it is against the principles of Animalism. However, they are afraid to voice their concerns – when they do, their voices are “timid” which suggests that they are being ruled by fear of Napoleon and his dogs. This is further supported by the line “they were promptly silenced by the tremendous growling of from the dogs”. Furthermore, although the animals are liberated from the cruelty of men, it is clear to the reader that Napoleon is imposing another kind of terror amongst the animals. Even so, they accept their fate because they are not very clever and rely on the pigs’ leadership. How have things changed on Animal Farm? Developing response even further Considering the reader’s point of view
Practise - write a PEAS paragraph of your own using one of these points. The pigs change the fourth commandment Animals are happy at first to work towards a common goal, but are devastated by the destruction of the Windmill. Animals were tired and starving There are disagreements and violence between animals in the farm. Targets: 1. use embedded quotations 2. Pick out key words and analyse 3. Offer more than one point of view.
Task 2 Read chapter 7 Write your response to the following essay questions: a)Would Major be proud of the way Animalism has been changed on Animal Farm? b) What do you think Orwell is saying about society by showing these changes? (24 marks)
Point Evidence Analysis Speculation Turn the question into a statement: In the early days after the rebellion, the animals appear content and motivated. The farm is working well since everyone is abiding by the seven commandments and all animals are involved, Provide a quotation from the text. Use quotation marks. as ‘…everyone worked according to his own capacity’ (page 18). In fact, the animals seem more successful without the humans, as it says in chapter 2, ‘..they finished the harvest in two days less than it had usually taken Jones and his men.’ Comment on what your evidence suggests. The fact that it takes “two” whole days shorter suggests that the animals are not only quicker, but are also organised and communicating well with one another. Provide your own opinion and/or alternative interpretation If Major had seen this, he would have been extremely proud of the animals and their efforts to work together and follow the teachings of Animalism.
Review Peer review of essay so far. Use WWW and EBI. 1.Has your partner directly answered the question? 2.Have they used appropriate quotations? 3.Have they used integrated quotations? 4.Have they analysed the meaning and effect of the language? 5.Have they developed their arguments and offered a range of opinion/ interpretations?
Home learning Complete your essay on word and it to me Read 8, 9 and 10 Complete the summary worksheets and activities
Joseph Stalin Propaganda department of Stalin’s government worked for Stalin to support his image used any lie to convince the people to follow Stalin benefited from the fact that education was controlled KGB - Secret Police not really police, but forced support for Stalin used force, often killed entire families for disobedience totally loyal, part of Stalin’s power, even over army KGB were corrupt. Treated informants better and tempted people to “snitch” on friends and family. Dedicated, but tricked communist supporters people believed Stalin because he was "Communist" many stayed loyal ( or frightened) after it was obvious Stalin a tyrant betrayed by Stalin who ignored and killed them