CognitiveCoaching21 st Century Teachers : It’s All about Student Learning! Cognitive Coaching 21 st Century Teachers : It’s All about Student Learning! Watson School of Education PDS Extended Internship Preparation Revised 11/09
NC Professional Teaching Standards NC Professional Teaching Standards WSE Intern Performance Scale WSE Intern Performance Scale Periodic Assessment of Intern Progress Periodic Assessment of Intern Progress WSE Office of Professional Experiences WSE Office of Professional Experiences WSE Office of Professional Experiences WSE Office of Professional Experiences
Logistical Details & Forms Intern Expectations Intern Schedules Classes Work UNCW Key Contacts Office of Professional Experiences nternship.html#prep nternship.html#prep PDS Collaborative Portal:
Partnership Teacher Recognition Please check your school district for local policy. CEU credits with district approval
Every public school student will graduate from high school, globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21 st Century. Mission of the North Carolina State Board of Education August 2006
Attributes of a Elementary Level Learner NICKYNICKY
Attributes of a Middle Level Learner (Watson School Designed) SAMMYSAMMY
Attributes of a Future Ready Graduate
COGNITIVE COACHING Prepares Our Interns for Teaching 21 st Century Learners Cognitive Coaching METACOGNITION Cognitive Coaching is a method of instruction that recognizes the strengths of METACOGNITION—thinking about thinking– and its role independent in independent learning. ~Costa and Garmston
Looking at Metacognition… Looking at Metacognition… The self reflection and self regulation before, during, and after an action. Developing a plan of actionDeveloping a plan of action “What should I do first?” Maintaining and monitoring actionMaintaining and monitoring action “How am I doing?” Evaluating actionEvaluating action “How well did I do and… WHY?”
TRUST… Must Come First! safe about thinking critically about his/her teaching andlearning In a trusting relationship, the mentor works to help the teacher intern to feel safe about thinking critically about his/her teaching and learning through self-reflection. ~Costa and Garmston
Cognitive Coaching Conversations! planning, reflection and decision making own insights and learning. Mentors use dialogue to mediate teacher interns through planning, reflection and decision making, helping them to become aware of their own insights and learning. ~Costa and Garmston
Major Findings of Research on Teacher Cognition… Major Findings of Research on Teacher Cognition… simple cognitive maps 1. All behavior is rationally based on rather simple cognitive maps of reality. 2.Talking aloud refine their cognitive maps 2.Talking aloud about their thinking and decisions about teaching energizes teachers and causes them to refine their cognitive maps and hence their instructional choices and behaviors. invisible, cognitive skills 3.Certain invisible, cognitive skills drive teaching performance.
Major Findings… Major Findings… four domains 4.These invisible cognitive skills can be categorized in four domains: Pre-active Pre-active (Planning) consists of all the intellectual functions performed before instruction nteractive Interactive (Teaching) includes the multiple decisions made during teaching Reflective Reflective (Analyzing and Reflecting) consists of all those mental processes used to think back on, analyze, and judge instruction Projective Projective (Applying) abstracts from the experience, synthesizes new generalizations, and carries them to future situations
Pre-Conference (Pre-active) Setting Future Observationand Feedback / Post Conference (Reflective) Data Coll ection (Interactive) Growth Goals (Projective) (Projective) The Cognitive Coaching Cycle Invisible Cognitive Skills Drive Teaching Performance
COACHING PLAN COACHING PLAN Coaching Plan Coaching Plan Coaching Plan Coaching Plan GUIDE FOR CYCLES OF COACHING GUIDE FOR CYCLES OF COACHING Intervention Intervention Intervention SIX- POINT LESSON PLAN SIX- POINT LESSON PLAN Sample Sample Sample
21 st Century Coaches Ask the Right Questions! questioning strategies metacognitive thinking teaching and Effective coaches recognize the need to use questioning strategies that help guide their interns through metacognitive thinking that will help enhance their teaching and self-reflection self-reflection in the future.
Asking the Right Questions! Asking the Right Questions! Marzano’s Questioning Stems Marzano’s Questioning Stems Questioning Stems Questioning Stems Questioning Stems Questioning Stems Suggestions for Effective Listening Suggestions for Effective Listening Continuum Continuum
Cognitive Coaching Produces Self Directed Learners The mission of Cognitive Coaching is to produce self directed persons with the cognitive capacity for high performance, both independently and as members of a professional learning community.