AstroGrid Solar/STP planning meeting Agenda: Helioscope Preparing for Solar-B Time-series viewing application IVOA and time series A PPARC funded project.


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Presentation transcript:

AstroGrid Solar/STP planning meeting Agenda: Helioscope Preparing for Solar-B Time-series viewing application IVOA and time series A PPARC funded project

Start time End time Helioscope  Solar  STP  Catalogues  STP/time lagged Retrieving solar system data: Helioscope

Helioscope - Lite Returns FITS for solar and flat files in ‘native’ format for time series (ASCII, CDF…) Data from 2 main archives : VSO (Virtual Solar Observatory) and CDAW space physics archive using: -API provided by VSO -SOAP interface to CDAW Note: at this stage requests are not in standard form, but hard coded Short term solution – users easily get data – typically already have software dealing with specific format

Astroscope / Helioscope Astroscope is based on SIAP (Simple Image Access Protocol): POS, SIZE are mandatory parameters: EG: It’s convoluted to use POS, SIZE for Solar System objects. Define a Simple Time-range Access Protocol that returns a votable listing files (either images or time series) within specified time range Mandatory parameters: START, END, FORMAT Ok also for Astronomy time based queries, eg by having optional parameters POS, SIZE. Other optional parameter could be INSTRUMENT

Helioscope - votable Returns time series data in a common format - votable DSA plugin that converts from ASCII, CDF to votable. If request spans more than 1 flat file, joins time series into a single votable Provide a framework where the data holders can specify what the local format is, and how translation to Votable should be done. NOTE: Votable does not have a url pointing to a data file any longer- the votable contains the data points themselves!

Identifying time series column in Votable In the votable containing time series data, the time field needs to be identified. 2 possible ways: (1) Introducing a datetime type in votable or (2) using a combination of UCD and Unit attributes. These are some current valid UCD words related to time: (from: ) Q | time | Time Q | time.event | Duration of an event or phenomenon Q | time.event.end | End time of event or phenomenon Q | time.event.start | Start time of event or phenomenon Q | time.obs | Observation on-time, duration Q | time.obs.end | End time of observation Q | time.obs.start | Start time of observation Q | time.resolution | Time resolution Q | time.scale | Timescale

Viewing time series TOPCAT required features: -automatic conversion from ISO time format to numeric values (column identified by UCD + Unit) -stackplot capability

Summary: Helioscope-IVOA Work towards Helioscope-lite has started IVOA work: time UCDs, Simple Time-Range Access Protocol Define a way to identify time column in votable DSA plugin / way for data centers to provide time series data as VOT Topcat support for time series

CTIP model – mode A Available to all AG users as parametrised workflow Mode B – will allow automatic fetching of Kp and F10.7 from RAL – working – being fine tuned before release

CTIP model – mode A – output & documentation Future CTIP developments: convection maps from Superdarn as input – mode C,D,… Documentation on output files – example plotting programs

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