Deeper… Personal Application!. The Importance of Personal Application – Why we read Scripture: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for.


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Presentation transcript:

Deeper… Personal Application!

The Importance of Personal Application – Why we read Scripture: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.” 2 Tim 3:16-17 What Scriptures has God equipped you with?

Beloved Truths What Scriptures have become dear to you? Why? The Truth of Applying Scripture – 1. They became your own because you listened! – 2. The Scripture and you have fused together – 3. God does the applying – 4. The application of Beloved Passages is usually quite straightforward

Applying More Truth How do you facilitate this more? – When we understand Scripture, we apply it more and more to our lives Look for Directly Applicable Passages (Create an arsenal!) – Know what to look for

Applying More Truth What to look for: – Core Promises “If God is for us who can be against us!” Roms 8:31 – Joys and Sorrows of Psalms Psalm 138:1-2 – Call of Many Commands Ephesians 5:2 – Summary Comments that Interpret the Story Parable of the Sower

Applying More Truth Pay attention for these things to reapply themselves throughout Scripture – “I am the Lord your God…” Search for how they come to a point in Jesus! – It’s not enough to take promises, etc, apart from Jesus “I will be with you.” Genesis 26:3

Applying More Truth Pay Attention to Generalization – Details don’t always make things come to life! – Psalm 51 What might this be helpful for? – 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 What is bothering Paul? Why is that ambiguous? – Matters of Obedience “You cannot serve God and Money” Luke 16:13

The Problem It isn’t always this easy! Much of the Bible doesn’t directly apply to us! – Matthew 27:5 – Luke 10:37 – John 13:27 Just because it doesn’t apply directly, doesn’t mean it doesn’t apply! – It does mean it takes work (after all, it’s written by God!)

Less-Direct Application What do you do with difficult passages? 1. Pray 2. Know the narrative of Scripture 1. i.e. Abraham 3. Figure out what it’s written for! 1. What’s the situation? Who is involved? What problems are there? How are they solved? 4. Find connecting points with your life 5. How does this point to Jesus?

Less-Direct Application Know the importance of knowing God! – Psalm 119:11 “Blessed are you O Lord, Teach me your statutes!” Sometimes it’s not about you! (and that’s a good thing)