The Protestant Reformation The Break Up of the Western Church
Reformation Reform - change › time of religious change What was the Protestant Reformation? - A change that divided the Western Church into Catholic and Protestant Groups
Reasons for Change Christian Humanism - belief in the ability of human beings to reason and improve themselves - Desiderius Erasmus “The Philosophy of Christ”
Reasons for Change cont… What else caused this change? - Renaissance Popes failed to meet the spiritual needs of those involved within the church People wanted to ensure their salvation Selling of indulgences
Martin Luther Objected to the selling of indulgences Wrote Ninety Five Theses - attacked those abusing this practice Kept two sacraments - baptism - communion
Martin Luther cont… Cast out of the church, 1521 Edict of Worms - Emperor Charles V - outlawed from Holy Roman Empire and burned his works
Martin Luther cont... Lutheranism - set up services to replace Catholic Mass - Read the Bible - Preached God’s word - Songs (hymns)
Germany The Peace of Augsburg - agreement accepting the division of Christianity - division accepted in Europe
Switzerland Ulrich Zwingli - Zurich, Switzerland - Removed paintings & decorations from the church leaving the walls bare - held new services - replaced mass with scripture reading, prayer, and sermons
John Calvin Wrote Institutes of Christian Religion Emphasis on predestination Established Geneva - community - led by church government - powerful center for Protestantism Calvinism
England Accepted split in the Catholic Church of England in 1534 New Church of England - Anglican Church - Anglicanism
Anabaptist Movement Group of Adult Believers - baptism of adults vs. infants Believed in complete separation of church and state
Women’s Role Male was to remain head of household Obedience to husband Bear Children Raise Family and maintain household Little change from Renaissance Era
Catholic Resurgence Three Main Groups emerge - Jesuits - Papacy - Council of Trent Forbid the selling of indulgences Upheld belief in purgatory Renewed confidence in beliefs