Presentation Package for Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Section VI: Concept 19: Stress Management, Relaxation, and Time Management Created by: Gregory J. Welk Iowa State University
2Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Preventing Excessive Stress Be physically active Be physically active Be physically active Get sufficient sleep Build strong social support system Build strong social support system Build strong social support system Allow time for recreation Allow time for recreation Allow time for recreation Engage in effective time management Engage in effective time management Engage in effective time management The first approach for stress management is to reduce exposure to excessive stress. Click on each of the links above for more information on how to prevent excessive stress.
3Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Coping with Stress OutcomeStress Use Problem-focused Coping Strategies Stressor within your control Stressor out of your control Use Emotion-focused Coping Strategies The choice of coping strategy depends on the nature of the stressor
4Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Types of Coping Strategies Problem-focused Coping Strategies –Accepting –Re-Appraising –Praying –Problem Solving –Controlling –Seeking Social Support Emotion-focused Coping Strategies –Confronting –Relaxing –Exercising –Seeking Social Support Avoidant Coping Strategies –Ignoring –Escaping Click for Lab 19d info
5Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Other Stress Reduction Techniques Quick "time out" Jacobson's progressive relaxation Autogenic training Biofeedback Meditation / imagery Exercise Each technique will be discussed separately in subsequent slides.
6Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Quick "Time Out" Deep breathing Take mind off of problems
7Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Jacobson's Progressive Relaxation Technique Involves alternate contraction and relaxation of muscles Teaches person to identify stress- related tension in the body Click for Lab 19a info
8Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Autogenic Relaxation Training Combines deep rhythmic breathing with soothing imagery Feelings of heaviness and warmth facilitate process
9Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Biofeedback Utilizes machines that monitor physiological responses Useful for decreasing tension headaches, asthma attacks, hypertension and phobias.
10Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Meditation / Imagery Relies on deep breathing Facilitated by images of peace and relaxation
11Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Summary Stress is a natural part of life but with appropriate stress management techniques you can learn to manage it more effectively.
12Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Web Resources “On the Web” “On the Web” pages for Concept Online Learning Center
Supplemental Graphics Lab Information
14Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Lab 19a Information Relaxing Tense Muscles Perform the Contract-Relax Exercise Routine for relaxation. Describe whether you found the routine to be helpful for relaxation. Return to presentation
15Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Lab 19b Information Evaluating Levels of Social Support Complete the social support survey Use the rating scales to assess the following: –Access to social support –Degree of social support –Skill in getting social support Describe whether you rely on social support and whether you could use it more to combat stress. Return to presentation
16Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Lab 19c Information Time Management Rank your top priorities in terms of where you would like to spend your time. Keep a time log and indicate your actual use of time. Summarize how you might be able to use your time more effectively. Return to presentation
17Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Lab 19d Information Evaluating Coping Strategies Reflect back on 5 different stressful events and describe the changeability, severity, and duration of the stressor. Complete the survey about your personal use of coping strategies for each of these incidents. Do you believe that you adopt appropriate coping strategies? Return to presentation
18Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Physical Activity Provides a break from reality (“Time Out” hypothesis) Improves mood and self-esteem
19Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Mechanisms for Effects of Exercise on Stress Reduction Distraction Endorphin Neurotransmitter Thermogenic Self-esteem Return to presentation See Web19-1 for information about exercise and stress management
20Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Types of Social Support Informational Material Emotional Click for Lab 19b info Return to presentation
21Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Definitions for Leisure and Recreation What is Leisure? –Time that is free from demands –Not a means to an end but an end in itself! What is Recreation? –A more structured form of leisure that allows people to "re-create" themselves
22Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Contributions of Recreation to Wellness Social - Interactions with friends Emotional - Reduces stress Physical - Improves fitness Intellectual - Expands world view Spiritual - Connection with self
23Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Popular Leisure Activities Reading Watching TV Visiting friends Listening to music Walking Watching movies Dining Shopping People watching Playing games
24Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Reasons for Choices of Recreational Activities Socio-economic status Vocation Sex Age Ethnicity Residence Disabilities See Web19-2 about recreation in the United States
25Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Trends in Working Time in the U.S.
26Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Hints to Maximize Your Leisure Experiences Keep play and work separate Don't turn play into work Expand your leisure interests Expand your circle of friends Don't feel guilty about leisure
27Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Skills for Leisure Development Leisure resourcefulness –Identify interests and preoccupations at different parts of your life cycle –Translate interests into involvement Time management –Maximizing your available time –Focusing your time on your priorities Return to presentation
28Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e Steps for Time Management Step 1 Establish priorities Step 2 Monitor current time use Step 3 Analyze time use Step 4 Make a schedule Click for Lab 19c info Return to presentation