The Weird Noise On The Train Click to go to the story Click on the screen and not on the button then on the button By: Layne Richardson
One night on double xx express my friends and I were riding to Hawaii. My friends names are Billy and Sugar. On are way there we were hearing weird noises. ”That’s the reason we're the only ones on the trains” I explained. If you think we should go to the sound click choice one. If you think we should go to the driver click choice two. I’m SugarI’m Billy I’m Jonny (In the story it says me not Jonny) Choice 1 Choice 2
I’m The Headless Horseman!! WA HA HA HA Choice 2 “Let’s go see what that noise is” said Sugar. So we were off to go see what the noise was. We had to walk to the engine room. When we got there, there was the Headless Horseman! Click choice one to go and hide. Click choice two to investigate the Headless Horseman. Choice 1
“Lets go to the driver” I said. Everyone agreed to go to the driver. On our way to the driver we stumbled. When we got to the driver’s seat, there was nobody there!! We looked ahead and just ahead there was a spot where the track broke and there was a big pile of rocks. Click choice one to stop the train. Click choice two to go find the driver and FAST!! Rocks Choice one Choice two
We went to go hide on the train. Every on of us hid so that we could see each other. Soon the stuartist came by so we jumped into the closest seat. Click choice one to get something. Click choice two to go back to the hiding spot. Choice one Choice two
‘Let’s investigate the Headless Horseman” said Sugar. Everyone agreed. So we started to stare at him. See if he did anything strange that a human wouldn’t do. Then all of a sudden he started to sing a song and dance. The song went like this went like this “this train is abandoned, this train is abandoned. I feel so happy I’m the only one on the train!! Ohh ya!” Click choice one to jump out and jump on the Headless Horseman. Click choice two to stay where you are and investigate this noise. Choice oneChoice two
“Let’s stop the train and now!” said Billy. “There is so many button and switches I don’t know which one to push or switch,” he told us. There was a big red button that read, push to stop train super fast! Click choice one to press the big red button and stop the train. Click choice two to see what all of the other switches do. Push to stop train fast! PUSH HERE! Choice one Choice two
We were off to look for the driver. We ran up the isle to the washroom and sure enough the driver was in the bathroom all tied up. Sugar ripped off the duck tape on his mouth and asked him” Do you want us to switch tracks because were about to ram strait into a big pile of rocks!?”” Yes please do. There is a button on the control panel that reads press to switch to a different track.” said the driver.” Click choice one to undo the rest of the ropes so that he can come and show you. Click choice two to just do it on your own Choice one Choice two
When the lady came around that was serving the food she asked “would you three be interested in anything on my trolley?” I answered “ I’ll have a juice box and a package of chocolate chip cookies. The same for my friends to please.” Click choice one to read the ingredients. Click choice two to crack open the cookie and see what is in it. Choice oneChoice two
“Hurry!” I whispered “Back to your seats!” We all were back under our seats in less than three seconds! She walked by not even noticing that we were there. When she was strolling the food cart back to the back she didn’t notice us again. It was probably because we were so quite! Click choice one to jump out and tell her to not go to the back of the train. Click choice two to jump out and tackle her! Choice two Choice one
“On the count of three lets jump on him,” Sugar whispered “one, two, three and jump!” When we jumped on him Billy yelled down the Headless Horseman’s shirt, “WHO ARE YOU?!?” He answered “get off of me kids and I’ll tell you who I am!” So we all got off of him and he told us who he was. We found out who he was. His name was Krusty. When we got to Hawaii Krusty was taken to the closest police station and was had to stay in jail for the rest of his life!
We had to stay and investigate this guy for a very long time. The next unusual thing that he did was do cartwheels all over the place. Then he started to say something. Sugar could hear perfect so she started to say what he was saying “this feels so good to be the only one on the train and have no one bothering me!” After he was done that he started to grab onto the collar of his shirt and then out popped his head. Jonny started to look around. Then he spotted a gun. On the side of it read NET SHOOTER! Jonny grabbed it and pulled the trigger. The net landed on the guy and he got trapped in the net. The next day when we arrived in Hawaii he was arrested and was in jail for the rest of his life!
When Billy hit the big red button the train came to a screeching stop and jolted all of us forward. Jonny got a bleeding nose because his nose is very sensitive. We were about two millimeters away from the big pile of rocks. We were all really glad to be safe and sound. At the end of the week somebody came looking for us and we were all taken home and lived happily ever after!
“Most of the switches don’t have anything that says what they do!” yelled Sugar. Then I yelled “switch them all to the other way!” So they started to switch them. By the time we were done it was only about three seconds! All of a sudden the train started to go backwards! In about three hours we were back in are home town in Summerland safe and sound!
“Billy, you have a pocket knife, right! Get it out and slice those ropes!” Yelled Sugar. So he did. He quickly got it out and sliced the ropes in no time at all and we were off to the front of the train. By the time we were there we were about two millimeters away from the big pile of rocks! The train driver jumped and hit the switch and we just made it to the other track! The rest of the way it was nice and smooth. We made to Hawaii safe and sound!
We ran back to the front of the train and we saw one button on the train that read SWITCH TRACKS. So Billy switched the switch and the train tracks switched and we were all safe and sound. There was another track that could switch back to the other one that was at the end of the rock slide. That night they arrived in Hawaii safe and sound!
“Read the ingredients." I said. They read ….. There was no ingredients. So Sugar gave the cookies back and they just drank the juices and talked and slept the rest of the way to Hawaii. They arrived in Hawaii safe and sound. They had lots of fun in Hawaii!
We cracked open the cookie and inside of it looked like it had some kind of stuff in it. So we thought that the juice would have something in it too. The rest of the way we had lots of fun! Every time the stuartist came around to serve food we didn’t take anything. When we got there super hot! We got there safe and sound!
We jumped out and told her that there is a headless horseman. So she just brought the trolley to the front. She came back and told us that she was pleased to us on the train. She also seemed really nice. We arrived in Hawaii safe and sound!
We jumped out and tackled her and then she yelled “What was that for?!” Then Sugar answered “There is a Headless Horseman back there! So Don’t Go back there!” Then she just walked away to the front of the train. She parked the cart up there and then she came back to us and she told us that she was thank full that we were on the train. The rest of the way to Hawaii we slept. There were no distractions and we arrived there safe and sound! Next slide
This storie was written and illustrated by Layne Richardson. It was the best story I ever wrote!