Texas KIDS COUNT: The State of Fort Worth and Tarrant County Children Frances Deviney, PhD Texas KIDS COUNT Director Center for Public Policy Priorities Fort Worth Botanic Gardens Forth Worth, Texas March 21, 2006
KIDS COUNT Project Goal TO USE SOUND DATA TO INFLUENCE key national, state and local decision makers who make policy, allocate resources and design programs that aim to improve outcomes for disadvantaged kids, families and communities.
What is the Value of KIDS COUNT? Provides the most current county-level data available Tailors data to local audience and circumstances Informs critical decision-making about children and families Serves as a resource for local advocates in Texas
Children in Tarrant Co. & Texas Tarrant Co. = 435,569 Texas = over 6.1 million Source: Texas State Data Center and the Office of the State Demographer, 2003 Population Estimates Children ages 0-17
Children in Tarrant County and Texas
Family Economic Security in Tarrant Co. Unemployment –CLIMBS from 3.6% to 5.1% ( ) Median Household Income –DOWN 2% from $48,473 to $47,660 ( ) Sources: Texas Workforce Commission; U.S. Census Bureau, 2003 Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates
Child Poverty is on the Rise
Poverty 2005 Official federal poverty line –Family of 2 < $12,830/year –Family of 3 < $16,090/year –Family of 4 < $19,350/year
Living in Fort Worth-Arlington: Family Security Index Single- Parent One Child Single- Parent Two Children Two Parents One Child Two Parents Two Children Necessary Annual Income $33,614$37,835$40,795$45,103 % Federal Poverty Line 262%235%253%233% Source: Family Security Index, Center for Public Policy Priorities; Data Adjusted for 2005 Inflation Levels
Infant and Child Health
Infant Health In Tarrant Co. Babies born with inadequate prenatal care –Over 1 in 4 Babies born weighing < 5.5 pounds –Over 2,100 Source: Texas Department of State Health Services, 2003 Birth Data
Infant Mortality Climbs After Low in 2000 Source: Texas Department of State Health Services
Services for Children in Tarrant Co. Medicaid –UP 138%, over 96,000 enrolled (Aug 2000-Aug 2005) CHIP –DOWN 32%, from over 28,000 to under 20,000 (Aug 2003-Aug 2005) Food Stamps –UP 107%, over 40,000 enrolled (Feb 2000-Feb 2003) State Subsidized Child Care –UP 23%, over 12,600 enrolled ( ) Sources: Texas Health & Human Services Commission; Texas Workforce Commission
Congress Reduces Funds for Programs Affecting Children and Families: Impact on TX Education-$65.1 Million Preventive Health & Human Services Block Grant -$1.3M WIC Nutrition Program-$3.1M Child Support Enforcement-$200M -$2 Billion in Collections Community Development Block Grant -$8M Source: Federal Funds Watch vol 12(1), Legislative Budget Board, Texas State Legislature
The State of the Economy is Reflected in the State of Texas and Tarrant County Children
Bucking the Trend: Tarrant County Teens
High School Dropout Rate Shows Consistent Decline Source: Texas Education Agency, 4-year Longitudinal Dropout Rate
Births to Teens in Tarrant Co. Lower than Rest of Texas... And Falling Source: Texas Department of State Health Services
Teen Violent Death Declined Sharply from Early 1990’s Source: Texas Department of State Health Services
Investing in Our Kids Dropout Prevention Programs Pregnancy Prevention Graduated Driver’s License
Texas KIDS COUNT Project Frances Deviney, PhD (512) ext. 106 Center for Public Policy Priorities