JAPAN’s GV Strategy and Plans for GPM K. Nakamura (Nagoya Univ.) R. Oki (JAXA), M. Kojima (JAXA), and T. Iguchi (NICT)
EO Roadmap - Approach - Goals to achieve by prioritization (1) to establish a frequent ・ continuous observation system through int’l cooperation. (2) to use satellite data for the following purposes - int’l treaty verification, environmental policy, weather forecasting - contribution to improving quality of people’s life Global Warming Monitoring Program prioritizing on “global warming “ which has urgency and necessity ① Greenhouse gas observation mission (observation of materials which causes the global warming) ② Water cycle observation mission (observation of primary effect of the global warming) ③ Climate change observation mission ( long-term continuous observation of effects of global warming)
Year Water Cycle Study and Prediction Observation ・ prediction of Rainfall and vapor Snow&ice, SST, Land cover (surface) Snow&ice, soil moisture SST, land cover Improved accuracy of Snow&ice, soil moisture SST, land cover Study on new parameter estimation Observation accuracyimprovement ① Global water cycle understanding and prediction ② Short-term weather forecast, disaster (heavy rain, typhoon, flood/drought) warning Global, hourly observation of vapor and rain and near-real time delivery of data High frequency observation of Global rainfall and snowfall Every 3hours 、 0.2mm/h Observation of tropical rainfall Every 2days 、 0.5mm/h Advancement of high frequency Observation of Global rainfall, snowfall And vapor every 3h 、 0.1mm/h Continuous obsrevation for Continuous understanding Observation of soil moisture, snow and ice, land surface WSSD Implementation Plan Weather forecast improvement ( JMA ) Contribution to WS SD IP ( MLIT ) Observation of Rainfall over ocean Every day 、 0.5mm/h WSSD Implementation Plan Objectives
EO Satellite Road Map 2002 ~ ~ ~ 2017 TRMM Precipitation Radar : 5Km, Rain rate : 0.7mm/h TMI Microwave Radiometer : ( NASA ) TRMM Precipitation Radar : 5Km, Rain rate : 0.7mm/h TMI Microwave Radiometer : ( NASA ) GPM DPR : Dual Frequency Precipitation Radar To continuous Water Cycle Observations To continuous Water Cycle Observations EarthCARE CPR : Cloud Profile Radar FTS: Fourier Transform Spectrometer etc. Global Water Cycle Observation Measuring land & sea surface ALOS PRISM ( Optical triplet mode, High resolution sensor ; Global mapping ): 2 . 5m PALSAR ( L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar ; Land information, Disaster monitoring ): 10m AVNIR-2 ( Visible & Near Infrared Radiometer : Disaster monitoring etc. ): 10m ALOS PRISM ( Optical triplet mode, High resolution sensor ; Global mapping ): 2 . 5m PALSAR ( L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar ; Land information, Disaster monitoring ): 10m AVNIR-2 ( Visible & Near Infrared Radiometer : Disaster monitoring etc. ): 10m To Operational Land Observations To Operational Land Observations ALOS F/O Geostationary high res optical sensor : 10m High resolution optical sensor : 0.5m Multiple polarization ・ Multiple wavelength SAR : 3m Global monitoring of the Earth’s environment GCOM-A1 SOFIS : Infrared Fourier Interferometer OPUS : Ultraviolet spectrometer To continuous Global Climate Change Observations To continuous Global Climate Change Observations GCOM-B1 SGLI : Visible Land Infrared Imager AMSR F/O : Microwave radiometer To continuous GHG Observations To continuous GHG Observations ADEOS-II ILAS-II : Infrared spectrometer GLI : Visible & Infrared Imager AMSR : Microwave Radiometer ADEOS-II ILAS-II : Infrared spectrometer GLI : Visible & Infrared Imager AMSR : Microwave Radiometer Green House Gas Monitoring Global Climate Change Monitoring
CEOP (Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period) For global water cycle research from 2001 to 2005 ADEOS-II NASDA: Develop the satellite, GLI, & AMSR MOE: ILAS-II NASA: SeaWinds CNES:POLDER GPM NASA:Develop the main satellite Japan: DPR ESA and other agencies:Small satellite INITIATIVE OF NASDA NASA:Develop the satellite Japan: Develop PR sensor & launch Aqua NASDA:Develop AMSR-E NASA:Develop & launch the satellite INPE:develop HSB TRMM NASDA provides satellites data for water cycle research
Core Satellite Dual-frequency Precipitaion Radar (JAXA and NiCT) Multi-frequency Radiometer (NASA) H2-A Launch (TBD) TRMM-like Spacecraft Non-Sun Synchronous Orbit ~65° Inclination ~407 km Altitude ~5 km Horizontal Resolution 250 m / 500m Vertical Resolution Constellation Satellites Small Satellites with Microwave Radiometers Aggregate Revisit Time, 3 Hour goal Sun-Synchronous Polar Orbits 500~900 km Altitude OBJECTIVE: Understand the Horizontal and Vertical Structure of Rainfall and Its Microphysical Element. Provide Training for Constellation Radiometers. OBJECTIVE: Provide Enough Sampling to Reduce Uncertainty in Short-term Rainfall Accumulations. Extend Scientific and Societal Applications. Global Precipitation Processing Center Capable of Producing Global Precipitation Data Products as Defined by GPM Partners Precipitation Validation Sites Global Ground Based Rain Measurement GPM Reference Concept
Calendar Year Japanese Fiscal Year (April – March) JFY15JFY16JFY17JFY18JFY19JFY20JFY21JFY Milestone DPR Development KuPR (JAXA) KaPR (NICT) * NICT takes charge of KaPR EM Ground System Algorithm Development Research and Utilization Spacecraft Bus (NASA) GPM/DPR development schedule Critical Design Conceptual Design Prelimi-nary Design BBM BBM (NICT) Preliminary Design Conceptual Design (GSFC) FM Fabrication & Assembly Sustaining Design Install & Test Component Experiment Integration & MST Research and Utilization Ground System Design & Fabrication Algorithm Examination 18 months Sep. 22, 2005 update DRR#1 OperT rain Init.C/ O Norm al Opera tion Reviews in JAXA Algorithm Test/Improvement, Application and Validation PRR PQR/PSR Launch S/C-system Support Launch Operation (NASA/JAXA) RA RI Init Oper PQR/PSR Cal/ Val PRR: Project Readiness Review, DRR: Development Readiness Review, PDR: Preliminary Design Review, CDR: Critical Design Review, PFT: Proto Flight Test, PQR: Post Qualification-test Review, PSR: Pre-Shipment Review, MST: Mission Simulation Test RI Algorithm Development Investigation CDR PDR Ground System Investigation EM (NICT) PFM (KuPR) PFM (KaPR) EM STM (KuPR,KaPR) CDR PDR (KaPR) PDR (DPR) PFT Ka Concept Design KaPR Preliminary Design Critical Design RA Algorithm Examination DRR#2
Main objective of GPM To establish accurate and frequent global precipitation observation system Basic Mission Requirements of GPM (1) To observe the global precipitation (2) To accurately measure the precipitation (3) To frequently measure the precipitation
Design of the GPM Core Satellite and the DPR (Spacecraft design by NASA/GSFC) KuPR KaPRKaPR GMI Basic design of KuPR and KaPR is the almost same as TRMM PR. JAXA and NiCT (Japan) : DPR (KuPR and KaPR), Launcher NASA (US) : Spacecraft, GMI
Flight direction GMI 407 km altitude, 65 deg inclination 5km Range resolution = 250m and 500m DPR Concept of precipitation measurement by the GPM core satellite Dual-frequency precipitation radar (DPR) consists of - Ku-band (13.6GHz) radar : KuPR and - Ka-band (35.5GHz) radar : KaPR KuPR: 245 km (49 beams) KaPR: 120 km (24 beams)
Main Characteristics of DPR ItemKuPRKaPRTRMM PR Antenna TypeActive Phased Array (128) Frequency & GHz & GHz & GHz Swath Width245 km120 km215 km Horizontal Reso5 km 4.3 km Tx Pulse Width 1.6 s (x2)1.6/3.2 s (x2)1.6 s (x2) Range Reso250 m (1.67 s) 250 m/500 m (1.67/3.34 s) 250m Observation Range 18 km to -5 km (mirror image around nadir) 18 km to -3 km (mirror image around nadir) 15km to -5km (mirror image at nadir) PRF VPRF (4000 Hz 250 Hz)VPRF (4500 Hz 250 Hz) Fixed PRF (2776Hz) Tx Peak Power> 1000 W> 140 W> 500 W Min Detect Ze (Rainfall Rate) < 18 dBZ ( < 0.5 mm/hr ) < 12 dBZ (at 500m reso) ( < 0.2 mm/hr ) < 23 dBZ ( < 0.7 mm/hr ) Measure Accuracy within ±1 dB Data Rate< Kbps< 81.5 Kbps< 93.5 Kbps Weight< 370 kg< 300 kg< 465 kg Power Consumption < 350 W< 330 W< 250 W Size2.4×2.4×0.6 m1.44 ×1.07×0.7 m2.2×2.2×0.6 m * Minimum detectable rainfall rate is defined by Ze=200 R 1.6 (TRMM/PR: Ze=372.4 R 1.54 )
Current Status of the DPR Development DPR is currently being developed by JAXA and NiCT. The conceptual design work has almost completed.DPR is currently being developed by JAXA and NiCT. The conceptual design work has almost completed. JAXA constructed and examined the KuPR T/R Unit (Bread Board Model: BBM). We justified the conceptual design and confirmed the possibility of the T/R Unit.JAXA constructed and examined the KuPR T/R Unit (Bread Board Model: BBM). We justified the conceptual design and confirmed the possibility of the T/R Unit. NiCT has almost completed to fabricate and is currently examining the KaPR T/R Unit (Engineering Model: EM).NiCT has almost completed to fabricate and is currently examining the KaPR T/R Unit (Engineering Model: EM). T/R Unit BBM of KuPR
KuPR system block diagram Waveguide slot antenna 001 ・・・・ ・・・・ ・・・・ 128 ・・・・ Frequency Converter and IF System Control and Data Processing Telemetry command Structure Thermal control Harness TX/RX subsystem Signal Processing Subsystem Antenna subsystem TDA HYBHYB HYBHYB R DA BPF 16 S/C power subsystem SWSW CPS T/R module T/R unit Waveguide slot antenna System Control and Data Processing Telemetry command 8 Div/comb 16 Div/comb SSPA PHS SSPA PHS LNA SSPA PHS SSPA PHS LNA
GPM status in Japan GPM is ranked among future missions in the Roadmap of EO scenario for the new space agency. Phase B study from JFY 03 was approved by SAC (MEXT) on Nov. 27. Though Ministry of Finance did not approve GPM study as phase B officially, budget and personnel requests were accepted as requested by MEXT. Not an established project, but “quasi-project” in EORC/JAXA. GPM science team was established in August Preliminary evaluation has successfully passed in NASDA (JAXA) in the last August. Next one will be in February/March GCOM-B1: need feasibility study for less constellation satellite case. Building up International framework is a matter of great urgency for us to request next phase-up and budget by May/June time frame. –The 3 rd GPM workshop was at ESTEC in June –GPM GV workshop was held in UK in November –Asia GPM workshop was held in February in 2004.
GPM Planning Workshop will be held in Tokyo for 7-9 November GPM science team Algorithm development –GSMaP led by Prof. K. Okamoto –DPR algorithms –High resolution non-hydrostatic atmospheric model – Earth Simulator
Global modelling study Global Cloud Resolving Model: NICAM (Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model) Satoh,M., Tomita,H., Nasuno,T., Iga,S.-I., Miura,H. (Frontier Research System for Global Change) (Frontier Research System for Global Change) Use of the Earth SimulatorUse of the Earth Simulator Δx=3.5km grid interval using the icosahedral gridΔx=3.5km grid interval using the icosahedral grid Nonhydrostatic model with explicit cloud physicsNonhydrostatic model with explicit cloud physics The Earth SimulatorIcosahdral grid
glevel-2 glevel-2 glevel-4 glevel-4 glevel-3 glevel-3 glevel-1 glevel-1
Lifecycle experiment of baroclinic waves Results at day 10 –Temperature & velocity fields at z=180m Glevel-6 :120kmGlevel-8 :30km Glevel-11 :3.5km