Percentage of users of these products who are loyal to one brand
Number of car models sold in the U.S.
Groups most likely to be… Brand Loyal –Age 60 and over: 60% –Income $35,000 to $49,999: 55% –Blue collar workers: 53% –Midwesterners: 52% –Men: 51% Brand disloyal –Age 18-29: 42% –Blacks: 42% –Easterners: 42% –Women: 43% (Proportion of all buyers who usually buy the same make of car, average 47%)
“If you were shopping for ______ in a discount store or superstore, would you have a specific brand preference?” Department Beverages86%91% Camera8284 Health & Beauty Aids8683 SnacksN/A82 Film75 Cosmetics8279 CandyN/A78 Consumer Electronics7865 Men’s Apparel6163 Toys5560 Groceries & Canned Goods6459 Greeting Cards6452 Entertainment Software5150 Children’s Apparel5243 Intimate Apparel5943 Women’s Apparel5338 Domestics3524
“If you didn’t find the brand you wanted, would you be likely to buy another brand instead or even skip the purchase at this store?” Department Greeting cards73%67% Groceries & Canned Goods6366 Domestics7263 SnacksN/A56 Women’s Apparel5254 Men’s Apparel5853 Children’s Apparel5752 Intimate Apparel5651 Film5349 Toys5147 Camera5047 CandyN/A46 Health & Beauty Aids4846 Beverages4546 Cosmetics4841 Consumer Electronics4840 Entertainment Software4532
2002 Brand loyalty leaders Avis12 Sprint Long Distance 22 Samsung Mobile Phones n/a3 Budweiser44 AT&T Long Distance 57 Ritz-Carlton Hotels 66 Nokia73 Google810 Motorola95 KeySpan1027 PSE&G1139 Canon Copiers129 “Loyalty” in this case was measured by asking respondents (16,000) to assess the brands in four categories (drivers), with 40 attributes per category Each attribute was rated on a scale of 1 to 7 based on two criteria: what consumers want (their ideal) versus their actual experience with the brand
Footwear Loyalty Drivers Importance of driver Customer expectation level