February 14 is known as St Valentine’s Day. It’s mainly observed by young people who on that day give symbolic giflts to people they love. They also send.


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Presentation transcript:

February 14 is known as St Valentine’s Day. It’s mainly observed by young people who on that day give symbolic giflts to people they love. They also send sepcial greeting cards called Valentines and give the beloved flowers or sweets on that day and say : „I LOVE YOU” February 14 is known as St Valentine’s Day. It’s mainly observed by young people who on that day give symbolic giflts to people they love. They also send sepcial greeting cards called Valentines and give the beloved flowers or sweets on that day and say : „I LOVE YOU”

The contents of Valentines are usually poems or declarations of loce,such a : ” Roses are red, violets are blue, grass is green and I LOVE YOU ” The contents of Valentines are usually poems or declarations of loce,such a : ” Roses are red, violets are blue, grass is green and I LOVE YOU ”

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