すざくによる高銀緯 フェルミ未同定天体の X 線探 査 (submitted to ApJ) 前田洸登 (早大理工) 2010/09/24 日本天文学会 2010 年 金沢大学 片岡淳,中森健之(早大),真喜屋龍,戸谷友則(京大) 金井義和,河合誠之(東工大), Lukasz Stawarz ,田中康之, 佐藤理江,高橋忠幸( ISAS/JAXA ), C. Cheung ( NASA/GSFC ), D. Donato , N. Gehrels ( CRESST ), P. Saz Parkinson ( SCIPP )
EGRET All-Sky Gamma-Ray Survey ( > 100MeV) Credit: EGRET team CGRO/EGRET all-sky -ray Survey ● UnID : 170 sources ( 271 sources )
640 out of 1451 sources are still UnID
Motivation of Suzaku observation To survey a new-type -ray source To survey a new-type -ray source Bright in the long term, but still unID Bright in the long term, but still unID Extragalactic, but Not AGN Extragalactic, but Not AGN Source selection (3 months Fermi obs.) Source selection (3 months Fermi obs.) Bright unID source (EGRET and 0FGL) Bright unID source (EGRET and 0FGL) At high Galactic latitude (|b| > 10 [deg]) At high Galactic latitude (|b| > 10 [deg]) No temporal variability No temporal variability
Observed UnID Fermi/LAT Object Fermi/LAT Gamma-ray Image of 1-year Observation (100MeV - 300GeV) Credit: NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration 1FGL J FGL J FGL J FGL J |b|=10 [deg]
Results of Suzaku Follow-up Observation 1FGL J FGL J FGL J FGL J Too much complicated - Run off the edge of FOV
1FGL J X-ray Image Brightest -ray source of 4 unIDs Brightest -ray source of 4 unIDs EGRET unID EGRET unID (Radio) MSP PSR J (Radio) MSP PSR J Ransom et al Ransom et al X-ray position is consistent with -ray & radio position X-ray position is consistent with -ray & radio position Dec.[deg] R.A.[deg] Suzaku XIS0+3 ( keV) (NXB subtracted, exposure & vignetting corrected) PSR J (P=3.68ms,d=0.4kpc)
X-ray Spectrum Analysis (Black:XIS0+3,Red:XIS1) kT ~ 0.16 keV Γ ~ 1.8 wabs * blackbodywabs ( blackbody + powerlaw ) improved Residuals remain (> 2 keV) N H =0 consistent Additional PL component is necessary! (significance level >99%)
1FGL J F multi-wavelength SED Multi-wavelength SED of Geminga pulsar Credit:: D. J. Thompson (2004) Bright -ray flux & blackbody + PL is similar to the spectral structure of Geminga pulsar
EGRET unID EGRET unID Two X-ray sources Two X-ray sources Suzaku XIS0+3 ( keV) (NXB subtracted, exposure & vignetting corrected ) 1FGL J X-ray Image (b) src B steady flux Dec.[deg] R.A.[deg] (a) src A X-ray flare 20 ks factor 10
1FGL J F multi-wavelength SED No pulse detection ( -ray, radio) Remain uncertain (not typical blazar) QHB (QSO Hosted Blazar) ?! ?
1FGL J X-ray Image Fermi unID Fermi unID (Radio) MSP PSR J : (Radio) MSP PSR J : Cognard et al (P=2.9ms) Cognard et al (P=2.9ms) -ray pulsation -ray pulsation CLASS J : (z=1.74 blazar) CLASS J : (z=1.74 blazar) Dec.[deg] R.A.[deg] Suzaku XIS0+3 ( keV) (NXB subtracted, exposure & vignetting corrected)
1FGL J F multi-wavelength SED CLASS J PSR J
Summary Our Suzaku observation findings Our Suzaku observation findings 1FGL J : newly detected PL component of MSP 1FGL J : newly detected PL component of MSP 1FGL J : detected variable X-ray source but still uncertain (QHB blazar?) 1FGL J : detected variable X-ray source but still uncertain (QHB blazar?) 1FGL J : only detected a blazar and not a pulsar in X-ray (give a pulsar upper-limit) 1FGL J : only detected a blazar and not a pulsar in X-ray (give a pulsar upper-limit) 1FGL J : too much complicated due to large localization error 1FGL J : too much complicated due to large localization error
Next X-ray observations (AO-5) Coming Soon!
“Unraveling the Nature of Unidentified High Galactic Latitude Fermi/LAT Gamma-ray Sources with Suzaku“ (submitted to ApJ) Koto Maeda Waseda University J. Kataoka, T. Nakamori, L. Stawarz, R. Makiya, T. Totani, C. C. Cheung, D. Donato, N. Gehrels, P. M. Saz Parkinson, Y. Kanai, N. Kawai, Y. Tanaka, R. Sato, T. Takahashi
Outline Selection of UnID Fermi/LAT Objects Selection of UnID Fermi/LAT Objects Follow-up Observation with Suzaku Follow-up Observation with Suzaku 1FGL J FGL J FGL J FGL J FGL J FGL J FGL J FGL J Summary Summary X-ray Analysis & Multi-wavelength SED
X-ray fitting models for 1FGL J Wabs ( Bbody + Power Law ) Wabs ( Bbody + Power Law ) Power Law : Power Law : Wabs : X-ray Absorption Wabs : X-ray Absorption Bbody : Blackbody Bbody : Blackbody
PL Estimation by taking Background
X-ray spectrum of 1FGL J1311 (Wabs * PowerLaw) srcB N H = 4.45×10 20 (fixed) Γ = / norm.= (2.08 +/- 0.44)×10 -5 χ 2 /dof = 42.1 / 38 S 2-8keV = 1.19× erg/cm 2 /s srcA N H = 4.45×10 20 (fixed) Γ = / norm.= (2.69 +/- 0.47)×10 -5 χ 2 /dof = 42.6 / 38 S 2-8keV = 1.44× erg/cm 2 /s
1FGL J X-ray Image ( keV) Several sources were found (>4 ; 5 sources ) Several sources were found (>4 ; 5 sources ) Candidate: (src D) FSRQ CLASS J Candidate: (src D) FSRQ CLASS J Large localization error of 1FGL Large localization error of 1FGL Dec.[deg] R.A.[deg] X-ray Image of Suzaku XIS0+1+3 ( keV) (NXB subtracting, Exposure/Vignetting correction) CLASS J ( z=1.36 ) !?
1FGL J months error circle
1FGL J months error circle
1FGL J months error circle