T Iteration demo T Iteration Demo Team Balboa I1 - Iteration
T Iteration demo Agenda 2 Introduction Status of the iterations goals and deliverables Realization of the tasks Resource usage Quality metrics Technical architecture Risks Demo! + Wiki demo What Next
T Iteration demo Introduction to the project – Happy office 3 -Pick and paint time tracking and scheduling solution
T Iteration demo Agenda 4 Introduction Status of the iterations goals and deliverables Realization of the tasks Resource usage Quality metrics Technical architecture Risks Demo! + Wiki demo What Next
T Iteration demo Status of the iterations goals Creating the documents Done, but 2 features still ”90% done” – Graying feature – Permission system (several user roles) still under construction User management (”90 % done”) Project management (”90 % done”) Work type management (TODO) Permission management (TODO) Could be done now and will be done Working and easy to use software for basic scheduling and time tracking 2. Most important administrator features for setting up accounts to enable usage of the software 3. Taking the system to use in our own working
T Iteration demo Agenda 6 Introduction Status of the iterations goals and deliverables Realization of the tasks Resource usage Quality metrics Technical architecture Risks Demo! + Wiki demo What Next
T Iteration demo Realization of the tasks 7
T Iteration demo Realization of the tasks 8
T Iteration demo Agenda 9 Introduction Status of the iterations goals and deliverables Realization of the tasks Resource usage Quality metrics Technical architecture Risks Demo! + Wiki demo What Next
T Iteration demo Resource usage 10
T Iteration demo Agenda 11 Introduction Status of the iterations goals and deliverables Realization of the tasks Resource usage Quality metrics Technical architecture Risks Demo! + Wiki demo What Next
T Iteration demo Quality metrics 12 Requirements
T Iteration demo Quality metrics 13
T Iteration demo Quality metrics 14
T Iteration demo Quality metrics Test cases
T Iteration demo Quality metrics 16
T Iteration demo Agenda 17 Introduction Status of the iterations goals and deliverables Realization of the tasks Resource usage Quality metrics Technical architecture Risks Demo! + Wiki demo What Next
T Iteration demo Technical architecture DB Models Managers View Controllers Core System XML UI Components dhtmlxScheduler dhtmlxCalendar dhtmlxTree JavaScript XML Parser JavaScript XML Parser Post-requests JavaScript Models
T Iteration demo Agenda 19 Introduction Status of the iterations goals and deliverables Realization of the tasks Resource usage Quality metrics Technical architecture Risks Demo! + Wiki demo What Next
T Iteration demo IDRisk Prop. at beg. Current prop. Sev.EffectsControlling actionsResponsible 1 TKK’s Vista workstations fail to cooperate Development work is delayed. Developers’ motivation decreases. Developers use their own laptops (4/6 developers). Vista network stations are used as little as possible. Project manager 2 Developers can’t work on the same days and in the same space Development work becomes inefficient when developers’ questions get answered with a delay. Quality of the final system is poor when developers haven’t made decisions together. Try to choose work days that fit everyone and courage everyone to attend on those days. Build a good team spirit that everyone is eager to work together rather than alone. Project manager 3 A developer quits in the middle of the project Crucial knowledge is lost. Project scope must be decreased. Taking care of good team spirit. (avoiding) The development work of critical parts is done using pair programming and reviews. (minimizing effect) Project manager 4 Virtual server is lost All our code and documentation may be lost if stored only on the server. Development work is delayed. Taking backups of the code and wiki- documentation on the virtual server. Maintaining local versions of the code on developers’ workstations. QA manager and Ville Saalo 5 Yii framework and dhtmlXScheduler learning takes more time than calculated Development work is delayed. Trying to learn the framework as early as possible. Arranging trainings and experience exchange sessions with the whole development team. Architect 6 Customer can’t be reached Development can’t continue. End result isn’t optimal Communicate questions and problems to customer as soon as they raise. Project manager 7 Usability requirement can’t be met with dhtmlXScheduler library We may have to choose another technology. End result is of poor quality Demonstrate the library to the customer with a demo. Developers use much time in the beginning for learning the features of the library. QA manager Major risks 20
T Iteration demo ? Demo 21
T Iteration demo Agenda 22 Introduction Status of the iterations goals and deliverables Realization of the tasks Resource usage Quality metrics Technical architecture Risks Demo! + Wiki demo What Next
T Iteration demo What next? Quality + Usability + Delivery o Correcting identified bugs and enhancements o Performing user, acceptance and process testing o Usability evaluations and feedback o Creating Selenium and Unit tests o Delivering the system Other tasks o Finalizing especially UIs o Implementing some new features but main focus is in quality and integrity. o Reporting features (tuntien purku)