Mgmt 450 Computer Based Information Systems Instructor: Lana Merewether
Instructor’s Background
Class Web Site (new so be patient with me) Slides available here in PowerPoint format
Course mailing list send to: Put MGMT 450 in the subject line so the SPAM bucket doesn’t eat your message
Required Textbook Managing Information Systems Perle and O’Brien
ASM is serious about prerequisites… MGMT Operations MGMT Accounting MGMT Diversity MGMT Marketing
What will you get out of this class?
Book Layout Part I –the technology itself (what is this stuff?) Part II –types of business computer applications Part III –methods/techniques for managing delivery and implementation of new systems Part IV –Managing IT resources and incorporating I.T. into your vision and strategic planning
Grades No + or - grades Total 625 points for the semester Determine your score by dividing you total number of points by 625 and multiplying by 100
Assignments 2 Exams Policy on exam makeups 1 Case write up 2 Mossberg write ups 1 Movie Paper Other
A note about submitting assignments in Office 2007 format
Case Write Up You will be given instructions Read the case Write a paper answering questions and giving your views on the subject discussed Be prepared to support your views in class
Mossberg – who is this man?
Mossberg Continued Read Walt Mossberg’s columns Found regularly in the Wall Street Journal Good information on technology for both technical & non-technical business people
Class Policies Cell phones Timeliness Respect Food/drink Assignments –Typed –Spell Checked –On Time Missing class
For Next Time: Buy the book Skim chapter 1 Know how the book defines an information system (IS) What’s the role of IS in business? Section II – Page 22 Chapter summary
Tell me about you Name Year in school Business courses you have taken Major/specialization How much experience do you have with technology? (Some? None? Love it? Hate it?) Are you employed? How many hours a week? How many credit hours are you taking this semester? Do you have concerns about the class already?