Bellringer n Name the 2 essential fatty acids
Fats Review
The Facts About Fat n Certain fats are essential for good nutrition and health. n Fats provide essential fatty acids which the body can’t manufacture. n Act as insulators to maintain body temperature. n Improve the palatability of food and promote digestion.
The Facts About Fat n Provide the greatest energy output per gram of any food source. ( 9 cals) n Carry fat soluble vitamins- A,D,E, and K.
Fats Content
Heart Disease- The Silent Killer
What is Heart Disease? n A general term that covers a number of diseases which affect the heart, including coronary artery disease, heart-failure and angina. n Heart Disease is the number one killer in the United States.
What Is Heart Disease? There are many forms of heart disease Coronary artery disease, or coronary heart disease, is most common Heart disease develops over years and progresses when the heart doesn’t get enough nutrient-rich blood
What Causes Heart Disease? n Atherosclerosis-fatty deposits of cholesterol n Hypertension
n A disease in which plaque builds up inside your arteries, limiting the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your organs Atherosclerosis
What is Hypertension? l 160/95 mm Hg? l 140/90 mm Hg? l 160/95 mm Hg? l 140/90 mm Hg?
Risk factors for high blood pressure Older Age Ethnicity: African-Caribbean Family history Body mass: Overweight/obese Alcohol intake: high
Angina pectorisAngina pectoris Unstable anginaUnstable angina Myocardial infarctionMyocardial infarction Sudden deathSudden death Heart failureHeart failure TIATIA Ischemic strokeIschemic stroke Hemorrhagic strokeHemorrhagic stroke Renovascular diseaseRenovascular disease Renal failureRenal failure ClaudicationClaudication AneurysmAneurysm Critical limb ischemiaCritical limb ischemia Hypertension Affects Target Organs Hypertension
High BP increases the risk of:- -Coronary (ischaemic) heart disease -Stroke (all types) -Ischaemic stroke -Haemorrhagic stroke -Subarachnoid haemorrhage -Heart failure -Hypertensive heart disease -Sudden death -Renal failure
Coronary Artery Disease Occurs when the coronary arteries that supply the heart muscle become blocked. Occurs when the coronary arteries that supply the heart muscle become blocked. n Partially blocked it causes angina. n Fully blocked it causes a myocardial infarction or a heart attack!
Occurs when blood flow to a section of heart muscle becomes blocked, most often, the result of coronary artery disease Heart Attack
Myocardial Infarction or Heart Attack n Symptoms: uncomfortable pressure, fullness, squeezing pain, pain spreading to the shoulders, neck and arms. n Chest discomfort and light headedness n Anxiety/nervousness n Paleness or pallor n Increased irregular heart rate
Myocardial Infarction contd. n Feeling of impending doom If you or someone you know is having these symptoms call 911!
Congestive Heart Failure n Fits under the description of heart disease. n Does not mean the heart has failed, simply means the heart is not doing an efficient job. n It results from an injury or a reduction of function of the heart muscle. n Can be due to arteriosclerosis, hypertension, myocardial infarction, rheumatic fever or birth defect.
Cerebrovascular Accident or Stroke n Blood vessel in the brain becomes blocked by atherosclerosis- the tissue supplied by the artery dies. n Embolus – which is a traveling blood clot.
Symptoms of Stroke n Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body. n Sudden confusion, trouble speaking, or understanding. n Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes. n Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination.
Symptoms of Stroke n Sudden severe headache with no known cause. n If you have any of these symptoms you need immediate medical attention!
Unchangeable Risk Factors n Age- the older you get, the greater the chance. n Sex- males have a greater rate even after women pass menopause. n Race- minorities have a greater chance. n Family history- if family members have had CHD, there is a greater chance.
Unchangeable Risk Factors n Personal Medical History- other diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus can increase chances.
Changeable Risk Factors n Hypertension n Serum cholesterol n Obesity n Diabetes Mellitus n Physical Inactivity n Cigarette Smoking n Alcohol Intake
Obesity n People who are obese have 2 to 6 times the risk of developing hypertension. n Location of the body fat is significant. n Pears of apples?
Diabetes Mellitus n At any given cholesterol level, diabetic persons have a 2 or 3 x higher risk of atherosclerosis! n Insulin is required to maintain adequate levels of lipoprotein lipase, an enzyme needed to break down bad cholesterols.
Physical Inactivity n Increasing physical activity has been shown to decrease blood pressure. n Moderate to intense physical activity for minutes on most days of the week is recommended.
Cigarette Smoking n Causes an increase in blood pressure n Usually have lower levels of HDL n Within 1 year of quitting, CHD risk decreases, within 2 years it reaches the level of a nonsmoker.
Alcohol Consumption n In small amounts it acts as a vasodilator- Good! 1-2 drinks n In large amounts it acts as a vasoconstrictor- BAD! 3-4 drinks n This is a very fine line!
Treatment n Cardiac Catherization - Dr. inserts a plastic tube into an artery or vein and injects a dye, this can help to determine where the blockages are. Also a good method to determine the amount of blood and oxygen the heart is receiving.
Treatment n Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (CABG) The most frequently performed major surgery in the United States. Surgery reroutes or bypasses blood around clogged arteries.
Treatment n Angioplasty (PCTA) It involves creating a space in a blocker artery by inserting a small balloon and then inflating it. Now includes the placement of a mesh stent to improve effectiveness.
How can You Stop CVD? Diet and Nutrition, there are several guidelines listed by the American Heart Association: n Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables every day. ( 5 servings - they are naturally low in fat and high in vitamins and minerals) n Eat a variety of grain products ( 6 a day)
Diet and Prevention of CVD n Choose nonfat or low-fat products. n Use lean meats- choose chicken, fish, turkey and lean cuts of beef and pork. n Switch to fat-free milk- gradually reduce the fat content of the milk you drink.
Dietary Guidelines n Choose fats with 2 gms or less of saturated fats per serving such as liquid and tub margarines, canola oil and olive oil. n Balance the # of calories you eat with the number of calories you use each day. n Maintain a level of physical activity that keeps you fit and matches the # of calories you eat.
Dietary Guidelines n Limit your intake of foods high in calories and low in nutrition, including foods like soft drinks and candy. n Limit foods high in saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol n Eat less than 6 gms of salt a day n Have no more than one alcoholic drink a day.
Step I and II Diets n The AHA and NCEP have developed these diets to treat high blood pressure and hypercholesterolemia n They are designed to lower LDL levels, while at the same time promoting good nutrition.
Step I Step II n Total fat- 30% or less n Sat fat- 7-10% n Poly - up to 10% n Mono Up to 15% n Carb 55% or more n Pro Approx 15% n Chol. less than 300mg n 30% or less n 7% n up to 10% n up to 15% n 55% or more n Approx 15% n less than 200 mg
Exercise and CVD n Serves several functions in preventing and treating those at high risk. n Reduces incidence of obesity. n Increases HDL n Lowers LDL and total cholesterol n Helps control diabetes and hypertension n Those at high risk should take part in a specially supervised program.
Conclusion n Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer. n It is highly preventable and controllable with diet and exercise. n Good resource: n AHA-USA