Darshana Shah
How would you define prayer?
Communication between the devotee and the divine Neither higher mental power nor elaborate preparations required No distinction of race, nationality, age, gender etc. Only requirement – divine Love
Doctrine of Karma – Spiritual development is only by self effort Asharan Bhävanä – None other can save us God does not create us God does not control our fate God is not even interested in us!!!! So, Is there a place for prayer in Jain Religion?
YES! Why do we need to pray? Our two main faults- 1.Ignorance – अज्ञान ( मिथ्यात्व )- removed at 4 th Gunasthänak 2. Indolence – प्रमाद – removed at 7 th Gunasthänak निर्गुण / निरालंबन ध्यान is not possible in presence of indolence
Whom do we pray to? Those who have attained what is worth attaining Those striving to attain what is worth attaining “I bow down to him whose all passions like attachment and aversion, which sow the seeds of birth and rebirth, have been destroyed; whether he is Brahmä, Vishnu, Shiva or Jina.” -Hemchandrächärya
Why we pray ? 1. To express gratitude, praise and enumerate their virtues 2. Guiding light 3. Not for any worldly gain 4. Helps us to acquire good karma and avoid bad karma 5. Reminds us of the power in our own soul 6. Creates Confidence in moral decisions 7. Provides a basis for philosophy 8. Makes us realize the usefulness of human birth
What do we pray for? Detachment towards worldly life Right conduct leading to path of salvation Eliminating physical impediment on the path of salvation Lead a life of high morals and ethics Respect towards virtuous people Be able to carry out benevolent acts Associate with worthy preceptors Destruction of suffering and of karma Death with equanimity Attainment of right faith, right knowledge, right conduct
Forms of Prayers Physical prayers – Bowing down, Ritual, Offerings, Dance Vocal prayers – Reciting prose, poetry, mantra, hymn, chanting Mental prayers – Various forms of meditation and contemplations With image – सगुण Without image – निर्गुण
Nine ways of Bhakti 1.ShravanListening God’s name and praise 2.KirtanSinging songs of praise 3.SmaranRemembering 4.VandanBowing down 5.PoojanOffering various materials 6.ArchanAdoration 7.SharanSurrendering completely 8.MaitriFriendship 9.Atma NivedanDedicating one’s self चित्त प्रसन्ने रे पूजन फळ कह्युं रे - आनंदघनजी महाराज Happiness of the mind is the real fruit of worship
Categories of chanting Vocal – भाष्य Whisper - उपांशु Mental - मानस Without effort - अजपाजाप
Devotion Unconditional love for God is a universal remedy to live in bliss Practice of devotion reverses mind’s extrovert approach Introvert mind becomes free from limitations and imperfections The act of superimposing higher ideals on an ordinary object (idol) is called Pujä Pujä is the simplest practice for purifying a mind We worship the ideal for which the idol stands (….ctd)
Devotion (….ctd) The more one gets tuned to the devotion, the idol becomes the perfect ideal for a devotee The duality between the worshiper and the worshiped vanishes Individual consciousness becomes one with the universal consciousness Devotee experiences unalloyed and unbroken bliss all the time After this realization, living in this world becomes a matter of joy And that is the goal of a human life.
If I have said anything against the teachings of Jina MICHCHHAMI DUKKADAM