Year 7 Homework Project Week beginning Monday 23 rd June Deadline Friday 4 th July
Project overview The homework project is titled ‘discover a new animal’. Students begin by choosing a real-world habitat and analysing the feeding relationships within it. They then design their own animal, picking and explaining the adaptations that would help it to survive in their chosen habitat and food chain/food web.
Task 1 Pick one habitat from the list (or you can pick one that is not on this list) Desert Rainforest English woodland Mountain Ocean River Arctic Antarctic Using any medium (poster/Word/PowerPoint etc.) explain what animals are in your habitat and how they are interlinked. Pick one animal and say how it is adapted to its habitat.
Task 2 Design your own animal. Describe the adaptations it has. Make a model of your animal or draw it in detail.
Extension Describe what habitat your animal would be suited to. Draw/Make the habitat and describe the conditions.
Marking Criteria Marking Point12345 You can explain what animals are found in your chosen habitat and why You can explain what the conditions in your chosen habitat are like –e.g. temperature, light levels You can draw a food chain to show what eats what in your habitat You can describe some of the adaptations of a real animal in your chosen habitat that helps it to survive. You can make a model of an imaginary animal and describe the adaptations that its has that allows it to survive and include a food chain to show what it eats, and what eats it. Total marks/25