Your boyfriend / girlfriend gives you a lovely and expensive gift – then you break up. Do you offer to return it?
A friend comes round and after they’ve gone you find a winning lottery ticket on the sofa. Do you return it?
You take cash from the cashpoint and it pays out too much You take cash from the cashpoint and it pays out too much. Do you keep it?
Your mum tells you something about a neighbour that is a secret Your mum tells you something about a neighbour that is a secret. Its really good gossip. Do you tell your best friend?
Someone you don’t like asks you to go to an expensive party Someone you don’t like asks you to go to an expensive party. Do you accept the invitation?
You are given change of a £50 note in a shop when you only handed over a £10 note. Do you point out the mistake?
Your friend has a new hairstyle that looks ridiculous. Do you tell them?
You accidentally damage a parked car with your bike You accidentally damage a parked car with your bike. Do you leave a note?
You sell a mobile well on ebay then remember it had been lent to you by your sister. She seems to have forgotten. Do you own up?
You stumble on a way of hacking a neighbour’s network. Do you use it?