Good Appearance
Whether fair or not, others judge you by your appearance, either consciously or subconsciously. What you wear to work reflects how you feel about your work. Try to look your best every day because neatness shows respect for yourself and others. Most employers enforce dress codes that list clothing styles and items inappropriate for the workplace.
They know the importance of clothing to maintaining a businesslike atmosphere. Customers, too, expect business people to dress appropriately. They do not want to be served by workers who appear sloppy or dressed for some other occasion. Customers often take their business elsewhere if a company does not maintain businesslike surroundings.
When you display all the positive qualities, you are on the road to becoming a professional. A professional is an employee who keeps a courteous, conscientious, and businesslike manner. When companies hire new employees, they look for people who fit this description. They want to maintain a good public image and seek employees who share their concern.
Becoming a professional is not a goal reserved for certain careers. Any employee can, no matter what his or her job is. A professional is easy to spot. It is the person who demonstrates the following qualities: Smiles and greets everyone pleasantly Remembers and uses correct names and titles Treats everyone with respect Keeps a calm disposition
Avoids talking negatively about coworkers and customers Wears conservative clothing from head to toe Chooses a becoming and conservative hairstyle Avoids excessive use of perfume and cologne Limits jewelry and makeup Practices good hygiene Uses proper etiquette
Professionals uphold the standards of the company and set positive goals for themselves. They avoid doing anything that disrupts the work environment. They focus on doing their jobs well and helping the company succeed.