July 11-15, 2005Lecture3: Grid Job Management1 Grid Compute Resources and Job Management
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 2 Job and compute resource management This module is about running jobs on remote compute resources
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 3 Job and resource management Compute resources have a local resource manager This controls who is allowed to run jobs and how they run, on a resource GRAM Helps us run a job on a remote resource Condor Manages jobs
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 4 Local Resource Managers Local Resource Managers (LRMs) – software on a compute resource such a multi-node cluster. Control which jobs run, when they run and on which processor they run Example policies: Each cluster node can run one job. If there are more jobs, then the other jobs must wait in a queue Reservations – maybe some nodes in cluster reserved for a specific person eg. PBS, LSF, Condor
Job Management on a Grid User The Grid Condor PBS LSF fork GRAM Site A Site B Site C Site D
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 6 GRAM Globus Resource Allocation Manager Provides a standardised interface to submit jobs to different types of LRM Clients submit a job request to GRAM GRAM translates into something the LRM can understand Same job request can be used for many different kinds of LRM
GRAM Given a job specification: Create an environment for a job Stage files to and from the environment Submit a job to a local resource manager Monitor a job Send notifications of the job state change Stream a job’s stdout/err during execution
Two versions of GRAM There are two versions of GRAM GRAM2 Own protocols Older More widely used No longer actively developed GRAM4 Web services Newer New features go into GRAM4 In this module, will be using GRAM2
GRAM components Clients – eg. Globus-job-submit, globusrun Gatekeeper Server Accepts job submissions Handles security Jobmanager Knows how to send a job into the local resource manager Different job managers for different LRMs
GRAM components Worker nodes / CPUsWorker node / CPU LRM eg Condor, PBS, LSF Gatekeeper Internet Jobmanag er globus job run Submitting machine eg. User's workstation
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 11 Submitting a job with GRAM Globus-job-run command globus-job-run rookery.uchicago.edu /bin/hostname rook11 Run '/bin/hostname' on the resource rookery.uchicago.edu We don't care what LRM is used on 'rookery'. This command works with any LRM.
The client can describe the job with GRAM’s Resource Specification Language (RSL) Example: &(executable = a.out) (directory = /home/nobody ) (arguments = arg1 "arg 2") Submit with: globusrun -f spec.rsl -r rookery.uchicago.edu
Use other programs to generate RSL RSL job descriptions can become very complicated We can use other programs to generate RSL for us Example: Condor-G – next section
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 14 Condor Globus-job-run submits jobs, but... No job tracking: what happens when something goes wrong? Condor: Many features, but in this module: Condor-G for reliable job management
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 15 Condor can manage a large number of jobs Managing a large number of jobs You specify the jobs in a file and submit them to Condor, which runs them all and keeps you notified on their progress Mechanisms to help you manage huge numbers of jobs (1000’s), all the data, etc. Condor can handle inter-job dependencies (DAGMan) Condor users can set job priorities Condor administrators can set user priorities Can do this as: a local resource manager on a compute resource a grid client submitting to GRAM (Condor-G)
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 16 Condor can manage compute resource Dedicated Resources Compute Clusters Non-dedicated Resources Desktop workstations in offices and labs Often idle 70% of time Condor acts as a Local Resource Manager
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 17 … and Condor Can Manage Grid jobs Condor-G is a specialization of Condor. It is also known as the “Grid universe”. Condor-G can submit jobs to Globus resources, just like globus-job-run. Condor-G benefits from Condor features, like a job queue.
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 18 Some Grid Challenges Condor-G does whatever it takes to run your jobs, even if … The gatekeeper is temporarily unavailable The job manager crashes Your local machine crashes The network goes down
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 19 Remote Resource Access: Globus “globusrun myjob …” Globus GRAM Protocol Globus JobManager fork() Organization A Organization B
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 20 Remote Resource Access: Condor-G + Globus + Condor Globus GRAM Protocol Globus GRAM Submit to LRM Organization A Organization B Condor-G myjob1 myjob2 myjob3 myjob4 myjob5 …
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 21 Example Application … Simulate the behavior of F(x,y,z) for 20 values of x, 10 values of y and 3 values of z (20*10*3 = 600 combinations) F takes on the average 3 hours to compute on a “typical” workstation ( total = 1800 hours ) F requires a “moderate” (128MB) amount of memory F performs “moderate” I/O - (x,y,z) is 5 MB and F(x,y,z) is 50 MB 600 jobs
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 22 Creating a Submit Description File A plain ASCII text file Tells Condor about your job: Which executable, universe, input, output and error files to use, command-line arguments, environment variables, any special requirements or preferences (more on this later) Can describe many jobs at once (a “cluster”) each with different input, arguments, output, etc.
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 23 Simple Submit Description File # Simple condor_submit input file # (Lines beginning with # are comments) # NOTE: the words on the left side are not # case sensitive, but filenames are! Universe = vanilla Executable = my_job Queue $ condor_submit myjob.sub
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 24 Other Condor commands condor_q – show status of job queue condor_status – show status of compute nodes condor_rm – remove a job condor_hold – hold a job temporarily condor_release – release a job from hold
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 25 Condor-G: Access non-Condor Grid resources Globus middleware deployed across entire Grid remote access to computational resources dependable, robust data transfer Condor job scheduling across multiple resources strong fault tolerance with checkpointing and migration layered over Globus as “personal batch system” for the Grid
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 26 Condor-G Condor-G Job Description (Job ClassAd) GT2 [.1|2|4] HTTPS CondorPBS/LSFNorduGrid GT4 WSRF Unicore
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 27 Submitting a GRAM Job In submit description file, specify: Universe = grid Grid_Resource = gt2 ‘gt2’ means GRAM2 Optional: Location of file containing your X509 proxy universe = grid grid_resource = gt2 beak.cs.wisc.edu/jobmanager-pbs executable = progname queue
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 28 How It Works Schedd LSF Personal CondorGlobus Resource GRAM
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 29 How It Works Schedd LSF Personal CondorGlobus Resource 600 Globus jobs GRAM
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 30 How It Works Schedd LSF Personal CondorGlobus Resource GridManager 600 Globus jobs GRAM
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 31 How It Works Schedd LSF Personal CondorGlobus Resource GridManager 600 Globus jobs GRAM
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 32 How It Works Schedd LSF User Job Personal CondorGlobus Resource GridManager 600 Globus jobs GRAM
July 11-15, 2005 Lecture3: Grid Job Management 33 Grid Universe Concerns What about Fault Tolerance? Local Crashes What if the submit machine goes down? Network Outages What if the connection to the remote Globus jobmanager is lost? Remote Crashes What if the remote Globus jobmanager crashes? What if the remote machine goes down? Condor-G’s persistent job queue lets it recover from all of these failures If a JobManager fails to respond…
July 11-15, 2005Lecture3: Grid Job Management34 This presentation based on: Grid Resources and Job Management Jaime Frey Condor Project, University of Wisconsin-Madison Grid Summer Workshop June 26-30, 2006