24th Session of the North American Forestry Commission San Juan, Puerto Rico June 8-13, 2008 North American Forest Ecosystem Database (NAFED) Report from the cross-cutting theme group on databases
24th Session of the North American Forestry Commission San Juan, Puerto Rico June 8-13, 2008 History In the brainstorming session at the IWGM, the idea developed for a project on creating an inventory of databases for use by all the WGs The goal was to improve access and increase sharing of the information resources of the WGs
24th Session of the North American Forestry Commission San Juan, Puerto Rico June 8-13, 2008 Original Participants Fred Beall (Watersheds) - spokesperson Steve Roberts (Fire) Juan Arturo Raygoza (Fire) Dennis Brown (Fire) Jose Flores Garnica (Atmospheric Change) Jorge Nieves Frausto (Watersheds) Jamie Villa (Insects and Diseases) Gary Smith (Insects and Diseases) Ben Moody ( Insects and Diseases) Zhiliang Zhou (Inventory and Monitoring) Mary Dix (Insects and Diseases)
24th Session of the North American Forestry Commission San Juan, Puerto Rico June 8-13, 2008 Expected Outcomes Inventory of available information and identification of data gaps Avoiding duplication and sharing data collection costs and efforts Better decisions based on better information
24th Session of the North American Forestry Commission San Juan, Puerto Rico June 8-13, 2008 Aspects Web-accessible database of NAFC WG products and information (e.g. EXFOR, WG reports and publications, maps) Web-accessible continental scale data layers to support WG projects and analysis (e.g. historical climate maps for NA, forest inventory and classification maps)
24th Session of the North American Forestry Commission San Juan, Puerto Rico June 8-13, 2008 Approach Survey WGs to determine information holdings and relevant information in home organizations Survey WGs for information needs Hold workshop to analyze results, write report and determine next steps
24th Session of the North American Forestry Commission San Juan, Puerto Rico June 8-13, 2008 Resources Ad hoc WG composed of representatives from each existing WG Initial phase could be done through WG volunteers with a few $$ from BOA To fulfill the vision of a web-accessible database will require substantial $$ and in- kind support