Using data stored in Management Information System to Improve Tuberculosis Treatment Adherence among People Living with HIV in Central Asia MAXIM KAN AEA.


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Presentation transcript:

Using data stored in Management Information System to Improve Tuberculosis Treatment Adherence among People Living with HIV in Central Asia MAXIM KAN AEA conference 2013 October 19, 2013

PSI/Central Asia PAGE 2

USAID Dialogue on HIV and TB Project PAGE 3

USAID Dialogue on HIV and TB Project PAGE 4

USAID Dialogue on HIV and TB Project PAGE 5

PAGE 6  TB treatment adherence among people living with HIV (PLWH)

 Management information system (MIS) database Database PAGE 7

 Integration of HIV and TB prevention Project PAGE 8 HIV + TB

 Innovative for Central Asian region Project PAGE 9

 State institutions desire to use the database as an M&E tool Sustainability PAGE 10

After one year (as of September 2012), database shows (N=311)… page 11

After one year, database shows (N=48)… page 12

Use of unique identifier codes (UIC) PAGE 13 _____________________  First 2 letters of mother’s name First 2 letters of father’s name Gender 1- M 2- F Last 2 numbers of birth year

 Track referrals Database… PAGE 14 Contact is made

 Track referrals Database… PAGE 15 Contact is madeCommunication

 Track referrals Database… PAGE 16 Contact is madeCommunication Referral to services voucher

 Track referrals Database… PAGE 17 Contact is madeCommunication Referral to services voucher

page 18

 Track case detection Database… PAGE 19

 Track treatment process Database… PAGE 20

 Client retention Need for improvement… PAGE 21

 Why lose contact? Need for improvement… PAGE 22

 Work load Other challenges… PAGE 23

 Tracking results by social worker Other challenges… PAGE 24

 Room for improvement  Adaptation by state institutions  Need more research to understand “why’s?” Conclusion PAGE 25

Questions? T H S T R E E T, N W | S U I T E W A S H I N G T O N, D C P S I. O R G | T W I T T E R P S I H E A LT H Y L I V E S | B L O G : P S I H E A LT H Y L I V E S. C O M PSI Contact: Maxim Kan PSI Central Asian Republics Almaty, Kazakhstan