Using data stored in Management Information System to Improve Tuberculosis Treatment Adherence among People Living with HIV in Central Asia MAXIM KAN AEA conference 2013 October 19, 2013
PSI/Central Asia PAGE 2
USAID Dialogue on HIV and TB Project PAGE 3
USAID Dialogue on HIV and TB Project PAGE 4
USAID Dialogue on HIV and TB Project PAGE 5
PAGE 6 TB treatment adherence among people living with HIV (PLWH)
Management information system (MIS) database Database PAGE 7
Integration of HIV and TB prevention Project PAGE 8 HIV + TB
Innovative for Central Asian region Project PAGE 9
State institutions desire to use the database as an M&E tool Sustainability PAGE 10
After one year (as of September 2012), database shows (N=311)… page 11
After one year, database shows (N=48)… page 12
Use of unique identifier codes (UIC) PAGE 13 _____________________ First 2 letters of mother’s name First 2 letters of father’s name Gender 1- M 2- F Last 2 numbers of birth year
Track referrals Database… PAGE 14 Contact is made
Track referrals Database… PAGE 15 Contact is madeCommunication
Track referrals Database… PAGE 16 Contact is madeCommunication Referral to services voucher
Track referrals Database… PAGE 17 Contact is madeCommunication Referral to services voucher
page 18
Track case detection Database… PAGE 19
Track treatment process Database… PAGE 20
Client retention Need for improvement… PAGE 21
Why lose contact? Need for improvement… PAGE 22
Work load Other challenges… PAGE 23
Tracking results by social worker Other challenges… PAGE 24
Room for improvement Adaptation by state institutions Need more research to understand “why’s?” Conclusion PAGE 25
Questions? T H S T R E E T, N W | S U I T E W A S H I N G T O N, D C P S I. O R G | T W I T T E R P S I H E A LT H Y L I V E S | B L O G : P S I H E A LT H Y L I V E S. C O M PSI Contact: Maxim Kan PSI Central Asian Republics Almaty, Kazakhstan