Oppositional Defiant Disorder & Conduct Disorder
Bag of Goals Activity Outside: Positive characteristics: Activities you like or excel in (drawing, math) Personality traits (patience, caring) Inside: Negative characteristics: Activities they do not enjoy or excel at (attending therapy, swimming) Personality traits (impatient, uncaring) Inappropriate behaviors (fighting, hitting)
Bag of Goals Activity Rationale Get to know you activity! –Builds rapport –Clients recognize that they have positive attributes among their negative traits. –Perceived deficits are changeable –Formulate goals based on recognized negative characteristics.
Support Systems Therapist considers the support systems: –Family –School Teachers Peers –Community Multiple Level Interventions
Effective Treatments and Interventions Multimodal Family based –The availability and dependability of these outside supports are crucial. –Challenges maintaining an effectual level of family involvement –consistency –monitoring
Contributing Factors Psychosocial stressors Dysfunctional homes Ineffective parenting styles 1-parent homes SES Neighborhood Lack of positive peer relationships
Recognized Evidence Based Programs The Incredible Years (Webster-Stratton) Training Programs –Strengthen protective factors Parenting competence Children’s social skills Home-school involvement Positive classroom environment
Webster-Stratton’s The Dina Dinosaur Treatment Program Early intervention for ages 4-8. The Child Training (CT) –Developing positive interpersonal skills. The Teacher Training (TT) –Handle misbehavior –Build positive relationships among the parents, child, and peers –Teach social skills. The Parent Training (PT) –Parenting and interpersonal skills
Webster-Stratton’s The Dina Dinosaur Treatment Program “Understanding and Detecting Feelings (Dina Triceratops Program)” Language Delays Limited emotional vocabulary “Strategies for changing negative (angry, frustrated, sad) feelings into more positive feelings.
Webster-Stratton’s The Dina Dinosaur Treatment Program Feeling Thermometer Intervention Illustrate how feelings change People react differently –“Metaphor of a ‘feeling thermometer’ is used, and the children practice using real thermometers in hot and cold water to watch the mercury go from ‘hot and angry’ to ‘cool and calm’
Multi-systemic Therapy (MST) Extremely effective in severe cases of CD. Decreasing behavioral and emotional problems and increasing family functioning Specific interventions are tailored on an individual basis Safety net
(MST) Marital Interventions Marital discord –Divorce –Renegotiating Family Relationships
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