Who Will Be the Champion? Place Value Jeopardy DivisibilityMultiplying Three Digit by a One Digit Multiplying Two Digit by a One Digit Multiplication and Addition Properties Prime and Composite Numbers Multiplying Two Digit by Two Digit Arrays, Area and Perimeter
State which divisibility rules apply to the following number: 630 Divisibility-10points Return
State which divisibility rules apply to the following number: 5,283 Divisibility-20 points Return
State which divisibility rules apply to the following number: 12,000 Divisibility-30 points Return
Create a 4 digit number that is divisible by 9 and 10 Divisibility-40 points Return
Create a 4 digit number that is divisible by 3 and 5, but NOT 2 Divisibility-50 points Return
Solve the following: 300 X 6 Multiplying Three Digit by a One Digit- 10 points Return
Solve the following: 423 X 4 Multiplying Three Digit by a One Digit- 20 points Return
Solve the following: 514 X 6 Multiplying Three Digit by a One Digit- 30 points Return
Solve the following: 675 X 7 Multiplying Three Digit by a One Digit- 40 points Return
Solve the following: 768 X 9 Multiplying Three Digit by a One Digit- 50 points Return
Solve the following: 23 X 6 Multiplying Two Digit by a One Digit- 10 points Return
Solve the following: 41 X 4 Multiplying Two Digit by a One Digit- 20 points Return
Solve the following: 56 X 6 Multiplying Two Digit by a One Digit- 30 points Return
Solve the following: 68 X 7 Multiplying Two Digit by a One Digit- 40 points Return
Solve the following: 89 X 9 Multiplying Two Digit by a One Digit- 50 points Return
Solve for n and state which addition or multiplication property represents each example: 19+n=19 Multiplication and Addition Properties-10 points Return
Solve for n and state which addition or multiplication property represents each example: n×52=52×9 Multiplication and Addition Properties-20 points Return
Solve for n and state which addition or multiplication property represents each example: 35+(15+17)=(35+n)+17 Multiplication and Addition Properties-30 points Return
Solve for n and state which addition or multiplication property represents each example: 18×0=n Multiplication and Addition Properties-40 points Return
Solve for n and state which addition or multiplication property represents each example: 6×(2×n)=(6×2)×5 Multiplication and Addition Properties-50 points Return
Identify whether the following numbers are prime or composite. Then give 2 factors for prime numbers and 3 factors for composite numbers: 23 Prime and Composite Numbers-10 points Return
Identify whether the following numbers are prime or composite. Then give 2 factors for prime numbers and 3 factors for composite numbers: 15 Prime and Composite Numbers-20 points Return
Identify whether the following numbers are prime or composite. Then give 2 factors for prime numbers and 3 factors for composite numbers: 39 Prime and Composite Number-30 points Return
Identify whether the following numbers are prime or composite. Then give 2 factors for prime numbers and 3 factors for composite numbers: 41 Prime and Composite Numbers-40 points Return
Identify whether the following numbers are prime or composite. Then give 2 factors for prime numbers and 3 factors for composite numbers: 81 Prime and Composite Numbers-50 points Return
Create a 7 by 2 array and label it. Then, find the area and perimeter. Arrays, Area and Perimeter-10 points Return
Create a 3 by 4 array and label it. Then, find the area and perimeter. Arrays, Area and Perimeter-20 points Return
Create a 5 by 6 array and label it. Then, find the area and perimeter. Arrays, Area and Perimeter-30 points Return
Create a 6 by 7 array and label it. Then, find the area and perimeter. Arrays, Area and Perimeter-40 points Return
Create a 9 by 8 array and label it. Then, find the area and perimeter. Arrays, Area and Perimeter-50 points Return
Find the product for the following problem: 32×51 Multiplying Two Digit by a Two Digit- 10 points Return
Find the product for the following problem: 63×24 Multiplying Two Digit by a Two Digit- 20 points Return
Find the product for the following problem: 55×43 Multiplying Two Digit by a Two Digit- 30 points Return
Find the product for the following problem: 76×97 Multiplying Two Digit by a Two Digit- 40 points Return
Find the product for the following problem: 89×98 Multiplying Two Digit by a Two Digit- 50 points Return
Create a 7 by 2 array and label it. Then, find the area and perimeter. Arrays, Area and Perimeter-10 points
Create a 3 by 4 array and label it. Then, find the area and perimeter. Arrays, Area and Perimeter-20 points
Create a 5 by 6 array and label it. Then, find the area and perimeter. Arrays, Area and Perimeter-30 points
Create a 6 by 7 array and label it. Then, find the area and perimeter. Arrays, Area and Perimeter-40 points
Create a 9 by 8 array and label it. Then, find the area and perimeter. Arrays, Area and Perimeter-50 points