Warrior Team 8 th Grade Science Beth Roland-National Board Certified Teacher
Instructor Background I have taught science in Catawba County for 18 years and hold a Bachelor's of Science degree in Biology from Lenoir-Rhyne College (or should I say University?) and I graduated Magna Cum Laud I have a NC Middle Grades Science Certification from Appalachian State University I am a Master Teacher with Intel Teach to the Future I have twice been named Corning Educator of the year I have taught at the Catawba Science Center (Summer Fun Program) for 10 years and continue to provide Science Outreach programs I completed the River City project of Harvard University-Active Worlds based learning platform I am married and have two daughters; Sydney- a recent college graduate of the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill and Avery- a rising 8th grader at Lake Shore Middle School I enjoy jogging, nature, and traveling with my family Most importantly, I love middle school students!
Major Units of Study Hydrosphere Chemical Composition of Matter Evolution in Organisms and Landforms Ecosystems and Biomes Microbiology Scientific Inquiry
Necessary Student Materials Composition Book Science Folder with pockets Loose-leaf Paper Colored Pencils Pencils, Pencils, and more Pencils!
Grading Rubric The 9 week student Science grade will be comprised of the following components: Classwork/Homework- Counts as one grade Quizzes/Labs- Count as two grades Projects/Tests-Count as three grades Completed Journal (checked periodically)- Counts as three grades
Journaling- The key to Grade Level Assessment Success! Each student will need to have a composition notebook that will be brought to class daily. All class notes, diagrams, graphic organizers, important vocabulary, and project research will be kept in one central location. Students will respond daily to an essential connection that will also be recorded in the Science Journal. In preparation for the EOG, students and parents will review the journal nightly during the month of May.
Teaching Philosophy “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand”- Chinese Proverb In order to make Science come alive and ignite a passion for scientific inquiry, we must immerse students in an engaging and hands on approach to learning. Cooperative Learning (pods) will be used throughout the year to facilitate a greater understanding of curriculum and foster a cooperative outlook on learning and peer interactions.
Parent/Teacher Communication Please feel free to at any time: MCMS Phone Number: Teacher Web Site: reek/Staff/Beth_Roland/default.aspx
On-Line Textbook Access Each student has access to their textbook on-line. Please access the following website: User name: asuroland Password: science