Health Skills: Lesson 7 Warm-up: What goals have you set for yourself in the past year? What steps did you take to reach your goals?
Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely
A health goal is a healthful behavior a person works to achieve and maintain. –A healthful behavior a person plans to achieve in the near future is a short-term health goal. –A healthful behavior a person plans to achieve after a period of time is a long-term health goal.
Achieving Your Health Goals!!! To establish your goals, create an ACTION PLAN – a multistep strategy to identify and achieve your goal. –STEP 1: Set a specific, realistic goal, and write it down. Start your goal with I WILL!!! –STEP 2: List the steps you will take to reach your goal. Look for ways you can break your goal into short- term, smaller goals.
–STEP 3: Identify sources of help and support. Who can help you? Who will support you? –STEP 4: Set a reasonable time frame for reaching your goal. Write your goal date down. –STEP 5: Identify possible obstacles and evaluate your progress. Don’t be afraid to adjust your goal if you are not progressing. –STEP 6: Reward yourself for achieving your goal. Think of a way to celebrate the satisfaction of reaching a goal.
Create your own Goal Action Plan Use the worksheet provided to create a long-term goal and several short-term goals that will help you meet your long- term goal. After writing down your goal, create an action plan so that you are successful at reaching your goal. We will consistently reflect on how you are doing on your goal during class this semester.
Decision-Making Styles –A person who has an inactive decision- making style fails to make choices. –Reactive decision-making style is a habit in which a person allows others to make his or her decisions. –The proactive decision-making style is a habit in which a person describes the situation that requires a decision, identifies and evaluates possible decisions, makes a decision, and takes responsibility for the outcome.
Responsible Decision Making Model The Responsible Decision-Making Model is a series of steps to follow to assure that people make good decisions.
How to use the Responsible Decision Making Model. Step 1: Describe the situation that requires a decision. Step 2: List all possible decisions/options you might make.
Step 3: Weigh the possible outcomes. – Use the word HELP! –H (healthful): What are the health risks involved? –E (Ethical): Does this choice reflect what you and your family believe is right? –L (Legal): Does this option violate any local, state or federal laws. –P (Parent approval): Would your parents or guardians approve of this choice?
Responsible Decision Making Style Step 4: Consider values Step 5: Decide which decision is most responsible and appropriate and act on it.. Step 6: Evaluate the decision.