Setting Smart Goals
The difference between where you are and where you want to be! What is a Goal?
A University study found that only 3% of students wrote down their goals. 20 years later they found that the same 3% were wealthier tha n the other 97% COMBINED!
What Are SMART GOALS? S pecific, strategic M easurable A ttainable R ealistic T ime-bound
Why SMART Goals? Goals are something that you want to achieve in the future SMART goals assist in “getting focused” on what to focus efforts toward SMART goals help define exactly what the “future state” looks like and how it will be measured
Steps to Reaching a Goal Set a Goal Develop a plan of action Set a time limit, not a deadline Decide whether you are on track with your goal If you are… GREAT!!! –If you are not, re-set your time limit Are you there yet or is this an ongoing goal?
Long & Short Term Goals You should have at least one long and short term goal at any given time. Why? –With short term goals you will have frequent victories!!! –Long term goals (two years and over) keep you headed in the right direction
Are you Committed? What are things that you have committed yourself to and why? I have committed myself to getting straight As this semester because I want to graduate with Honors!!!
Can Goals Change? YES!!! –Goals can be adjusted in responseto changes and events that happen in your life. BUT… –Don’t change a goal because you have put it off. If you have put it off, evaluate why you did so and figure out how you can adjust your plan and time frame to still achieve it.
What If… I feel discouraged? –Re-evaluate why you chose this goal What obstacles are hindering you? Are you utilizing your resources? I cannot complete my goal? –Don’t get discouraged –Recognize partial accomplishment –Break the goal into smaller goals –Use your family, friends and resources for support –Are you still unable to complete the goal? You are the only one to decide when enough is enough Don’t stop setting goals for yourself
Obstacles If you encounter an obstacle: –Add them to your goal plan –Treat them as short or long term goals that you must achieve –Be flexible and willing to change your plan and timeline –Above all, Don’t Stress!!!
Dealing with Procrastination? If your goal is long term –Take small steps to complete your goal –No matter what, just start –Keep little reminders Tell a friend your goal, ask them to remind you Keep little notes of encouragement –Reward yourself when you complete a task Buy something special for yourself Do something special for yourself Call someone who would motivate you
Accomplishment Reward yourself Acknowledge the contributions of others –Let the people who helped you along the way know that you have accomplished your goal Share your news with family and friends –You would be amazed how excited people get when you succeed Set another goal or continue working on your current goals