Inflation in Sweden, EU and USA Diagram 1. Source: Statistics Sweden, Eurostat and Bureau of Labor Statistics
GNP in Sweden and the world Diagram 2. Source: Statistics Sweden and NIESR, London.
Price index for owner-occupied houses and household liabilities Diagram 3. Source: Statistics Sweden.
GNP in Sweden, Finland and the EU Diagram 4. Source: Eurostat.
Employment and unemployment Diagram 5. Source: Statistics Sweden and Sveriges Riksbank.
Real wages Diagram 6. Source: Statistics Sweden and Sveriges Riksbank. 0.5% growth rate 2.8% growth rate
Non-employed Diagram 7. Source: Statistics Sweden.
No. of sick (incl. sickness pension) outside of the labour force 1000s of persons, seasonally-adjusted monthly data with 3-month moving average Diagram 8a. Source: Statistics Sweden. The crisis lead to early retirement for older employees for labour market reasons Stricter regulations and practices – more difficult to obtain early retirement for labour market reasons Early retirement as a result of combined medical and labour market reasons ceased during 1997, more applications which were not granted until 1997 Change in definitions in Labour Force Survey – break in time series Large increase in the number of persons granted long-term sick leave which in turn led to an increase in the number of early retirements
Employed and absent from work due to illness 1000s of persons, seasonally-adjusted monthly data with 3- month moving average Diagram 8b. Source: Statistics Sweden. No. of sick in the labour force (left scale) Employed (right scale)
Open unemployment rate and number of persons born abroad Diagram 9. Source: Statistics Sweden.
Employment in sectors Diagram 10. Percentage of total employment. Source: Statistics Sweden.
Open unemployment rate Diagram 11. Source: Statistics Sweden and Sveriges Riksbank.