Insulin By: Zach Seabrook (Dedicated to Adam DeKoning)
Where is Insulin made? Insulin is made by Beta cells inside the pancreas.
Target Cell The target cells for Insulin is almost every cell that has an Insulin receptor.
Producing Insulin Insulin is essential for regulating carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body. Cells in the liver, skeletal muscle, and fat tissue to absorb glucose from the blood.
The Structure of Insulin The A chain consist of 21 Amino Acids while the B chain consist of 30 Amino Acids.
Entering Cells Insulin does not have to enter the cells, they just have to attach to Insulin receptors which the release glucose into the cell.
Regular Insulin Amount The normal amount of insulin to have in the blood is pmol/L
Insulin In The Body Insulin delivers the glucose to cells in the bloodstream, liver, muscle, fat and to most cells in the body.
Diabetes When your body can not produce enough insulin on its own then you can be diagnosed with Diabetes. Type 1 Diabetes is more hereditary while Type 2 can be contracted due to poor eating habits and being over weight.
Atypical Amount of Insulin
Replacing Insulin/Medical Treatment Many people who have diabetes have a insulin pump. The pump gets insulin to the body in two different ways, the first way is with a steady continuous dose of insulin throughout the day. The second way would be for the user to control the amount of insulin during or close to meal time.