PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS LIVE LIFE LIKE THE PENCIL ! Bipin Nair, Ph. D. Professor and Dean AMRITA School of Biotechnology Amritapuri, Kerala Dd
BE LIKE THE PENCIL ! 1. Sharpen your skills 2. Do not be afraid to erase and correct your mistakes 3. Be yourself. Do not imitate others 4. The inside is what matters. 5. Surrender yourself in the hands of the Master
1. Always be ready to sharpen your skills a. Clarity of thought b. Develop strong analytical capabilities. c. Develop the capability to think outside the box d. Communication with the client e. Impossible should be an inspiring word f. Think, anticipate and be prepared g. Ask the right questions. The BMS Story----Small CRO v/s Large MNC
2. Erase your mistakes Ability to improvise and make mid-course corrections. First time—it is learning; then on it is a mistake. Accepting a project and sensitivity to timelines. Sense of urgency. Never falsify data, never suppress data. The MERCK– VIOXX story
3. Be yourself—Do not imitate others Dreams and vision are the most important fuels. Recognize the talent in your team and tap into that wealth Hands on thinking—hands off execution! Acknowledge contributions from the team Shoulder full responsibility for failure Be alert, be sharp, be aware, be positive A knowledge economy—The Synaptic story
4. The “Inside” is what is important! a. Honesty and Integrity b. The customer is not always right c. Have the courage to take risks. d. Have the dedication and commitment to deliver. The Unilever Story
5. Surrender yourself in the hands of the MASTER You are not the doer You are merely an instrument Put in your best effort and let GRACE take care of the rest. The Insulin Pump Story
T h a n k Y o u LIVE LIFE LIKE THE PENCIL …. and… Be a great Project Manager!