Shrinkage Forum 22 January 2014 Roy Malin
2 2014/15 Shrinkage Proposals Initial proposals issued December 2013 Proposed Shrinkage Quantities calculated using two versions of the leakage model: V1.3 Original Model V1.4 Includes LP Service Modification As agreed at the 10 December 2012 Shrinkage Forum, National Grid proposed and applied the revised model for 2013/14 in anticipation of the model change being approved Still expect model change to be approved Need to agree the leakage model basis for 2014/15 proposals
3 2014/15 Shrinkage Proposals (GWh) LDZUsing Leakage Model v1.3*Using Leakage Model v1.4*Difference EA EM NT NW WM NE * NO SC * SE SO SW234.7 NG estimate based on data previously provided by WWU. Values to be confirmed 13.4 WN54.7 WS124.4 * As published in initial proposalsTotal and estimated value116£2.6m
4 LP Service Modification Consultation issued August 2013 Report on consultation sent to Ofgem for approval – October 2013 Concerns NGN and WWU data not independently verified Variance of impact between LDZS NGN and WWU will be commissioning an independent review of their leakage models and proposed baseline changes Variance analysis
5 LP Service Modification Variance Analysis (1)
LP Service Modification Variance Analysis (2) Published impact is the difference between v1.3 and v1.4 leakage models using 2010/11 data Necessary to normalise for: Length of Metallic Main Average System Pressure Used an LDZ average Actual impact will depend on the combination of the individual low pressure networks’ ASP and metallic mains lengths Calorific Value 6
7 LP Service Modification Variance Analysis (3)
8 AGI Venting IFI Update Currently, National Grid procure 84GWh for AGI Venting We were expecting a venting value of approximately 130GWh Report Received January 2014 National Grid venting from pneumatic control equipment 17+/-5.1 GWh Concerns over robustness of site/equipment inventory Intention to commission DNV GL carryout a site inventory of National Grid’s pneumatic control equipment
9 Review of SLM Review Consultations Consultations issued by each DN November/December 2013 Two responses – British Gas and Scottish Power Intend to issue a Joint DN Report on the consultation Subject to agreement, future SLM Reviews and Consultations to be a joint DN process Agree with stakeholders and Ofgem
10 Outcome of SLM Review Consultations Issues/areas for development The level of detail included within the SLM Review; The requirement to review the low pressure leakage rates, and in particular whether this would be cost-effective; Continued development of Theft of Gas detection and resolution; Further clarification of the Own Use Gas estimation; How the industry deals with CSEP Shrinkage; The level of detail provided regarding the ‘activity factors’ driving the shrinkage estimation, e.g. mains replacement and pressure management.