1/26 On-demand Learning Series Software Engineering of Web Application - Object-Oriented Development & UML Hunan University, Software School
2/ An object has behaviors In old style programming, you had: data, which was completely passive functions, which could manipulate any data An object contains both data and methods that manipulate that data (Encapsulation) An object is active, not passive; it does things An object is responsible for its own data Information Hiding But: it can expose that data to other objects 1 OO Introduction
3/ An object has state An object contains both data and methods that manipulate that data The data represent the state of the object Data can also describe the relationships between this object and other objects Example: A BankAccount might have A balance (the internal state of the account) An owner (some object representing a person) 1 OO Introduction
4/ Example: A “ Rabbit ” object You could (in a game, for example) create an object representing a rabbit It would have data: How hungry it is How happy it is Where it is And methods: eat, run, dig 1 OO Introduction
5/ Classes describe objects Every object belongs to (is an instance of) a class fields, or variables methods A class is like a template, or cookie cutter 1 OO Introduction
6/ Other Concepts Inheritance Polymorphism Message communication Access Control 1 OO Introduction
7/ Object-oriented development Object-oriented analysis, design and programming are related but distinct. OOA is concerned with developing an object model of the application domain. OOD is concerned with developing an object-oriented system model to implement requirements. OOP is concerned with realising an OOD using an OO programming language such as Java or C++. 1 OO Introduction
8/ Characteristics of OOD Objects are abstractions of real-world or system entities and manage themselves. Objects are independent and encapsulate data and method. System functionality is expressed in terms of object services. Shared data areas are eliminated. Objects communicate by message passing. Objects may be distributed and may execute sequentially or in parallel. 1 OO Introduction
9/ Advantages of OOD Easier maintenance. Objects may be understood as stand-alone entities. Objects are potentially reusable components. For some systems, there may be an obvious mapping from real world entities to system objects. 1 OO Introduction
10/ The Unified Modeling Language Standard language for visualisation, specification, construction and documentation of problems/solutions in a software- intensive system. 2 UML Introduction
11/ What ’ s UML Not a software development process or methodology May be used in all processes/phases in the development cycle, across different implementation technologies 2 UML Introduction
12/ UML Concepts UML is used to: Show main functions and boundaries in a system using use cases and actors. Illustrate use case realisations using interaction diagrams. Represent a static structure of a system using class diagrams. Modelling object behaviour using state diagrams. Show implementation of the physical architecture using component and deployment diagrams. Enhance the functionality using stereotypes. 2 UML Introduction
13/ Use UML: Diagram Type Structure Diagram (Static) Class Diagram(Object Diagram) Component Diagram Deployment Diagram Behavior Diagram (Dynamic) Use case Diagram Sequence Diagram Collaboration Diagram State chart Diagram Activity Diagram 2 UML Introduction
14/ Use Case Diagram Actor Use Case 2 UML Introduction
15/26 Simple Association Class Abstract Class Simple Aggregation Generalization Composition (Dependency) Multiplicity 2.6 UML Class Diagram
16/ Sequence Diagram - Rent Movie 2 UML Introduction Object Lifeline Activation Message
17/ Collaboration Diagram - Rent Movie Object Message 2 UML Introduction
18/ Package Diagram Class Package 2 UML Introduction
19/ Component Diagram Component Dependency Note 2 UML Introduction
20/26 Node Communication Association 2.11 Deployment Diagram 2 UML Introduction
21/26 Action Activity Start State Decision End State 2.12 Activity Diagram 2 UML Introduction
22/ State Diagram State Transition Activity Guard Action Event 2 UML Introduction
23/ Relations between UML Diagram Use Case Requriments Class (E) State Chart Sequence Class (S) Activity Collaboration 2 UML Introduction
24/ Rational Unified Process 2 UML Introduction
25/26 Reading Materials Object-Oriented Design & Patterns Object-Oriented Design & Patterns UML Notation Guide UML Notation Guide Software Development with UML Software Development with UML UML Programming Guide 中文教程 UML Programming Guide 中文教程
26/26 Questions If You don’t know the answer, maybe I can make one up!