BNL - FNAL - LBNL - SLAC Progress Report on LQ Program Giorgio Ambrosio Fermilab Task Leaders: Fred Nobrega (FNAL) – Coils Jesse Schmalzle (BNL) – Coils Paolo Ferracin (LBNL) – Structure Helene Felice (LBNL) – Instrumentation and QP Guram Chlachidize (FNAL) – Test prep. and test LARP Collaboration Meeting 13 Port Jefferson Nov. 4-6, 2009
2005 The birth of the LQ … … Some years ago … just before CM 4 … LARP CM13 – BNL – Nov. 4-6, 2009 G. Ambrosio - Long Quadrupole We need a successful Long Quadrupole by the end of 2009 April 2, 2005 We need a successful Long Quadrupole by the end of 2010
G. Ambrosio - Long Quadrupole 3 Long Quadrupole Main Features: Aperture: 90 mm magnet length: 3.7 m Target: Gradient: 200+ T/m Goal: Demonstrate Nb 3 Sn magnet scale up: –Long shell-type coils –Long shell-based structure (bladder & keys) 1 st Long Quad test by the end of nd Long Quad test in mid 2010 LQ Design Report available online at: LQS01 SSL4.3 K Current13.9 kA Gradient242 T/m Peak Field12.4 T Stored Energy473 kJ/m
LQ in LARP R&D “S”: Shell-based support structure “C”: Collar-based support structure LARP CM13 – BNL – Nov. 4-6, 2009 G. Ambrosio - Long Quadrupole Long Mirror LM m long No bore FNAL Core progr.
From TQS & LRS to LQS LQS is based on TQS and LRS TQS Modifications: –Added masters –Added tie-rods for yoke & pad laminations –Added alignment features for the structure –Rods closer to coils –Rods made of SS –Segmented shell (4)
LQS with dummy Al coils LQSD: –LQS assembled with Al coils (LBNL) –Shipped, lifted, tilted (LBNL & FNAL) –Tested at liquid nitrogen (FNAL) 6 LQSD cool down ΔT=150 KΔT=50 K Magnet top Magnet bottom
LQ Coil Design & Fabrication Fabrication technology: –From 2-in-1 (TQ coils) to single coil fixtures (LQ) –Mica during heat treatment –Bridge between lead-end saddle and pole Coil design: –LQ coils = long TQ02 coils with gaps to accommodate different CTE during HT Cross-section of TQ/LQ coil
LQ Coils Handling & Shipment New tooling for long coil handling and shipment –Handling: strain < 0.05% –Shipment on rigid mandrel in shipping fixture w shock absorbers (BNL) Shipping fixture with shock absorbers
Long Quadrupole Overview – G. Ambrosio 9 LARP Collab. Mtg 10 – Port Jefferson, Apr , 2008 Quench Protection Goal: –MIITs < 7.5 Temp ~ 380 K (adiabatic approx) Quench protection param. (4.5 K) – conservative hypothesis –Dump resistance: 60 m (extract ~1/3 of the energy; V leads ~ 800 V) –100% heater coverage ( heaters also on the inner layer) –Detection time: ~5 msbased on TQs with I > 80% ssl –Heater delay time: 12 msbased on TQs with I > 80% ssl Very challenging! J in copper = 2900 A/mm 2 at 13.9 kA (4.3 K SSL)
Instrumentation Voltage taps: 13 IL + 7 OL Two protection heaters on each layer –Large ss strip with narrow heating areas Successfully tested on Long Racetrack –“Bubbles” may cause coil-heater shorts test at 4.5, and 3.0 K (1.9K at the end) Coil strain gauges: 4 IL –Gauges instrumented with wires Structure strain gauges: –Shell: 10 (two full bridges each) –Rods: 4 (two half bridges each) Test at LN of Protection Heaters LARP CM13 – BNL – Nov. 4-6, 2009 G. Ambrosio - Long Quadrupole
DOE Review 09 - FNAL, July 13-14, 2009 Status Summary 5+ production coils are ready –Wind & cure (FNAL) –React. & Impr. (BNL & FNAL) –Instrumentation (all 3 labs) –Shipping fixtures (BNL) Shell-structure was tested LQSD & LQS01 was assembled (LBNL) LQS01 ready for test (FNAL)
LQS01 Assembly LQS01 assembled and pre-loaded Strain gauge readings: on the structure (shell & rods) are on target on the coils are lower than expected with large scattering –Seen also in TQS models; partially caused by coil/pads sub-assembly Should improve at cold G. Ambrosio - Long Quadrupole LARP CM13 – BNL – Nov. 4-6, 2009 Comparison of measurements and targets 293 K y (MPa) z (MPa) Shell measured+33 ±8+3 ±7 Shell computed+34+6 Pole measured-12 ±11+14 ±17 Pole computed Rod measuredn/a+60 ± 3 Rod computedn/a+63
G. Ambrosio - Long Quadrupole LARP CM13 – BNL – Nov. 4-6, 2009 Test Preparation Quench Detection System with Adaptive Thresholds –To allow using low threshold at high current avoiding trips due to voltage spikes at low current –Both DQD and AQD Symmetric Coil Grounding –To reduce peak coil-ground voltage LQ needs larger dump resistance than TQ magnets (60 vs 30 mOhm) Reconfiguration of the Magnet Protection System –Additional Heater-Firing-Units for all LQ heaters (16) Modified Strain Gauge Readout System –To reduce noise and sampling time J in copper = 2900 A/mm 2 at 13.9 kA (4.3 K SSL) All new systems tested all together two weeks ago Upgrades passed LQS01 Test Readiness Review
LQS01 Status LQS01 is connected to the VMTF top-head Electrical check-out is in progress Cool down start: this weekend or early next week LARP CM13 – BNL – Nov. 4-6, 2009
Test GOALS Achieve target gradient 200 T/m –Compare with TQ02-series Understand training –Compare with TQ02-series Understand if limitation is due to mechanics and/or coils –Understand if changing one coil could improve “significantly” performance for next test Memory after thermal cycle Understand behavior at 1.9K Inner Layer “bubbles” could cause coil-heater shorts! Could reduce the number of usable protection heaters LARP CM13 – BNL – Nov. 4-6, 2009 G. Ambrosio - Long Quadrupole
Present LQ FY10 plan Notes: –Coils #14 & #15 start after LQS01 feedback –Coil #13 delayed because of HQ coils priority Plan for success with budget = $1.4 M –Need contingency money in case of “problems” LARP CM13 – BNL – Nov. 4-6, 2009 G. Ambrosio - Long Quadrupole
LQS01 Test Scenarios 1.Successful (G >= 200 T/m) 2.Limited (G < 200 T/m) by one or two coils 3.There is a flaw in all LQ coils design and/or fabrication technology 4.All coils are damaged during cooldown or test mechanics or quench protection failure, excessive pre-load, … G. Ambrosio – Long Quadrupole 17 LQS02 (4 new coils) or LQS01b (1 or 2 new coils) LQS01b (1 or 2 new coils), may need 3 rd test Need analysis to understand cause of limitation May need 4 new coils (2 out of contingency) Need LQS02 and 3 rd test LARP CM13 – BNL – Nov. 4-6, 2009
G. Ambrosio - Long Quadrupole LARP CM13 – BNL – Nov. 4-6, 2009 Conclusions The test of the first Nb 3 Sn Long Quadrupole (LQS01) is starting We planned the test in order to obtain as much information as possible The present LQ FY10 plan is based on success –May need to use contingency in case of limited performance
LQS01 Test Plan - I Room temperature preparation and cool down (10 days) Magnetic measurements (z-scan) at VMTF 1st Thermal Cycle (10 days) Test at 4.5 K Cold electrical checkout Magnetic measurements Quench training Ramp rate study Cool down to 3 K Quench Training Magnetic measurements Ramp rate study Temperature dependence study Warm up to 4.5 K Verify quench plateau at 4.5 K
LQS01 Test Plan - II Warm up to 300 K before 2nd thermal cycle (4 days) RRR measurements Cool down (4 days) 2nd Cold Test (10 days) Test at 4.5 K Quench training Memory Cool down to 1.9 K Verify operation of protection heaters –To avoid possible damage after first few quenches we will do hi-pot (coil- heaters) and low current trips to verify proper operation of heaters Quench Training Magnetic measurements Ramp rate study Temperature dependence study
LQS01 Test Plan - III Warm up to 4.5 K Verify quench plateau Protection heater study Spot heater study Warm up to room temperature (6 days) Magnetic measurements (z-scan, use warm-finger of full length) LARP CM13 – BNL – Nov. 4-6, 2009
1.9K Test “Bubbles” are a possible cause for coil-heater shorts Electric arc? Note: we never had heaters on inner layer
“Original” & Present plans No 3 rd generation In FY08 In FY07-08, No ceramic binder 2 N + 1 R We had delays, some parts were skipped, but we want to keep the 2009 LQ goal “it can be done, but no without pain!”
Long Nb 3 Sn Coils R&D LARP Long Racetrack (4m coils) 1 st LR: 90% of ssl w single shell 2 nd LR: 96% of ssl w segmented shell Coils: flat, no wedges, no tight constrain on coil cross-section during heat treatment First Long Racetrack FNAL Long Mirror (2-4m coil) 1 st LM (2m coil): ~ssl w PIT strands 2 nd LM (4m coil): 87%* w RRP 108/127 str. Coils: cos- , with wedges, and tight constrain on coil cross-section during heat treatment Front view of mirror magnet * Using heaters on outer layer