An Overview of Student Resource Center, Jr. A premium selection of reference, with thousands of full-text periodicals and newspapers, primary documents, creative works, and multimedia.
Open up Student Resource Center TRY IT YOURSELF Now that you’ve found it, minimize SRC until you need to use it.
Use this option when you first start your search and when you know the search terms you want to use.
SUBJ Ref 16 Mag 140 AcJrnl 96 News 154 CrWrks 0 PrmSrc 5 Mltmd 2
Use this option when you have tried a subject search and did not get enough results.
SUBJKYWD Ref 1630 Mag AcJrnl News CrWrks 00 PrmSrc 56 Mltmd 22
Try a subject and keyword search to see the difference in the number of articles. TRY IT YOURSELF Once you’ve finished, minimize SRC until you need it again. Make sure to use the exact same words for each search. Did you get more results with keyword than with subject? You should have. Search results are not like money- more is not better.
Don’t just look at the first article that comes up. Search tip: Pay attention to the results under each tab. (part 1) You wouldn’t just order the first thing on the menu. You have to get what’s right for you.
Look at the summary of the article and try articles under each tab. Different topics are best explored in different types of articles. Search tip: Pay attention to the results under each tab. (part 2) You wouldn’t explore Antarctica in a scuba suit. You wouldn’t explore the ocean in hiking boots.
This is usually only used when you are looking for a quote, or sometimes a specific phrase from an article you have already read.
You have found your complete quote, as well as mention of who said it.
Use this to find an article that includes a picture. Note: Adding this to your search will severely limit your results.
You can limit the content/ reading level of your results by choosing one of these options. For example, you might choose the basic level if: -you need the information at a lower content/ reading level. -you are just beginning research on a complicated topic (ex- physics or the history of the Middle East) and just want the basic info. to start with.
Find an article at each of the 3 content levels. TRY IT YOURSELF Once you’ve finished, minimize SRC until you need it again. Go back to the results you had with either your keyword or subject search. Take a look under each tab until you find an article on each content level. Note: It may depend on your topic. Some topics don’t lend themselves to being written on a very high or very low level.
Choose one or more of these options to limit the type of article your are given. For example, if you have to have a newspaper article for an assignment you can eliminate other search results by checking the box next to news.
Choose one or more of these options to limit the type of article your are given. For example, if you are looking for the text of a speech, you could search under only primary documents by checking that box.
Do a search for only one type of article. TRY IT YOURSELF Once you’ve finished, minimize SRC until you need it again. You will need to start a new search to do this.
Use this option when you are still choosing your search topic, or when you have a topic but don’t know which search terms to use.
You can always narrow your search even more (even if you used your own search terms) with suggested topics listed on the left.
Use this option when you are still choosing your search topic, or when you have a topic but don’t know which search terms to use. These are the most popular search terms used by students. You might use this list to help you choose a research topic.
Don’t forget, you can always narrow your search with suggested topics listed on the left.
Search tip: Ask for what you want & be specific. Say it’s your birthday and you want an official Red Ryder carbine-action, two hundred shot Range Model air rifle with a compass in the stock and a thing which tells time. You can always be more general later if you don’t get the results you want. You wouldn’t just ask for a bb gun, would you? You might end up with just anything.
Hurricane Hurricane Katrina New Orleans Ref 182 Mag AcJrnl 1901 News CrWrks 00 PrmSrc 10 Mltmd 150 Hurricane Hurricane Katrina New Orleans Being more specific gets you fewer, and usually better choices.
Now that you are an expert on how to search Student Resource Center Junior, what will you do with your article once you have found it?
You can PRINT it. DON’T PRINT IT! Why would you? Just take notes or save or it to yourself.
You can it. This is a great way to save the information for later or to share it with your research group.
You can SAVE it. You can save it to your server folder, your flash drive, or basically anywhere you can save a document.
You can LISTEN to it. This is helpful if you are struggling with reading the article.
You can DOWNLOAD AN MP3 VERSION of it. This isn’t the most used feature, but might be used on occasion.
You can TRANSLATE it. You can translate the article into another language. Available languages depend on the article.
All the information you need for your bibliography is provided for you. You can copy and paste it into your report. You can CITE YOUR SOURCE.