Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA At Hazlegrove we believe that all pupils should be respected and valued. We strive hard to ensure that we provide a culture of high expectations which ensures that all children achieve well and: Have a wide and balanced curriculum which is differentiated to meet individual needs Can learn and make progress according to their individual developmental trends Are assessed using appropriate assessment tools and guidelines Have equal access to opportunities, resources, provision and interventions Special educational provision is educational or training provision that is additional to or different from that made generally for others of the same age. It may take the form of additional support from within a setting or require involvement of specialist staff or support services. We have a Learning Support Unit, the Head of which is responsible for the management of provision of support for identified children with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) and the coaching and support of teachers and other staff to enable them to provide appropriate assessment and focussed provision for children in their class with SEND. The Nursery Teacher is the designated SENCO for the Early Years Foundation Stage. All teachers are teachers of children with SEND and as such provide quality teaching which takes account of the particular individual needs of children with SEND in their class. The new ‘SEN Code of Practice’ May 2015 is followed. Hazlegrove Local Offer
Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA What should I do if I think my child has special educational needs? How does Hazlegrove know that my child needs extra help? Who makes the decision about how much support my child receives? How will Hazlegrove support my child? What curriculum will my child be taught? What does Hazlegrove offer for the well-being of my child? What specialist services and expertise are available at Hazlegrove? What training have the staff at Hazlegrove had to support my child? How accessible is the Hazlegrove environment? How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including trips? How will Hazlegrove help with transitions to the school and later to a new school?
What should I do if I think my child has special educational needs? Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA
First point of call is to talk to your child’s class teacher. If you require more information an appointment can be made with the EYFS SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) or Head of Learning Support. We have your child’s interests at heart and we want your child to succeed. Working in partnership and communicating about the needs which have arisen is paramount. What should I do if I think my child has special educational needs? BAC K
How does Hazlegrove know that my child needs extra help? Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA
How does Hazlegrove know that my child needs extra help? Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA Special educational provision is beyond the differentiation provided by high quality personalised teaching. If your child is failing to progress with teaching and support in class further investigation and support may be needed. The provision is additional or different from that made generally for others of the same age. Assessment is the process to gain essential information on abilities, progress and achievements of all individual pupils. Information is gathered through: How a child does during lessons Marking of work Assessments Reviewing strengths, needs and weaknesses The SEN flow chart depicts how support and involvement is increased/decreased depending on assessment and attainment.SEN flow chart BAC K
Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA Quality teaching and differentiation If progress overtime is still poor an EHC Plan may be requested for EY pupils or individual specialist tuition SENCo, parents, teachers and a range of agencies. Use of IEP/PLP, Education, Health and Care plan is reviewed and monitored regularly if used. If progress is still inadequate further help is sought from outside school Teachers, SENCo, Parents, teaching assistants and outside agencies Focused targets based on advice from specialists. Use of IEP/PLP (Pupil Learning Passport) Additional activities or resources are used to meet the needs of the pupil Teachers, SENCo, parents and teaching assistants. If the child is struggling to make adequate progress an intervention is put in place. Class Teacher Activities are planned at the appropriate level for the child to learn and achieve success
Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA Who makes the decision about how much support my child receives?
Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA When pupils enter our school the SENCO will note any SEND identified and seek to liaise with previous schools/settings Class teacher and SENCO discuss any pupils causing concern If appropriate placed on the SEND Register May be need for extra specialist tuition Parents will be kept informed Rest of staff informed Support will vary depending on the child’s needs: Class support Small group work to catch up with any gaps in learning Individual lessons for specific needs 1:1 adult support if appropriate Who makes the decision about how much support my child receives? BAC K
How will Hazlegrove support my child? Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA
How will Hazlegrove support my child? Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA Hazlegrove Prep School ensures that quality teaching is our first priority with differentiated work to meet needs of the children. Support is given through the type of task, tasks of differing complexity and the use of different resources. Support can be as simple as communication through the child’s journal. There may be a need for specific learning programmes and interventions and individual teaching. Support can be from working with professionals with specialist training e.g. speech and language therapist, advisers for our visually impaired children, occupational therapists and specialist dyslexic tutors. Specific targets are set to meet the child’s needs; this is discussed with parents. Together parents and teacher plan next steps. A pupil learning passport is put in place. BAC K
Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA What curriculum will my child be taught?
Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA We have a creative curriculum. We teach through topics which are relevant to our pupils engage them. These first hand experiences are fun, often practical and motivate learners. We teach PSHE through our topics, through collective worship, the ethos of the school and in discreet lessons and Circle Time. In Nursery and Reception we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. What curriculum will my child be taught? BAC K
What does Hazlegrove offer for the wellbeing of my child? Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA
What does Hazlegrove offer for the wellbeing of my child? Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA Excellent Tutor system whereby tutors mentor and support pupils. We have an excellent Learning Support facility. Dedicated Learning Support facilities. School Nurse on site. BAC K
Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA What specialist services and expertise are available at Hazlegrove?
Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA Pupils at our school may be involved with one or more of the following agencies: Educational Psychology Service Speech and Language Therapy Services Occupational Therapy Services Specialist Learning Support Teachers Emotional and Behaviour Support English as an additional Language School Nurse What specialist services and expertise are available at Hazlegrove? BAC K
What training have the staff at Hazlegrove had to support my child? Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA
What training have the staff at Hazlegrove had to support my child? Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA We have:- Qualified teaching staff who regularly update their skills and knowledge in delivering differentiated teaching to all pupils A dedicated group of qualified learning support staff contributing specialist training in areas such as learning interventions, Speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and managing behaviour Nursery teacher SENCO trained School nurse has provided Epipen and asthma training to all staff All teachers and teaching assistants are first aid trained All teachers attend courses relevant to their specialism BAC K
Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA How accessible is the Hazlegrove environment?
Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA The building is accessible for wheelchair users. There is an accessible toilet. Early Years staff are trained in STC (Somerset Total Communication). We are Disability & Discrimination Act compliant. How accessible is the Hazlegrove environment? BAC K
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including trips? Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including trips? Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA We want all our pupils to benefit from the education we offer. This is the same with trips. Where it is beneficial for a parent to participate alongside their child with SEND we will approach the parent at the planning stage. If a child has a specific assistant, this person will accompany the child on the school trip. There may be occasions when we invite the parent to accompany their child. BAC K
Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA How will Hazlegrove help with transitions to the school and later to a new school?
Hazlegrove Prep School, Sparkford, Somerset. BA22 7JA In Year 8 guidance is provided to choose the appropriate school in discussion with the parents, Senior Academic Tutor and the Headmaster. Pupils may attend taster sessions at their future schools. The Senior Academic tutor, in liaison with tutors sends the relevant information to future schools. For children joining the Nursery we offer: Home visits Children are welcome to attend Squirrels our parent/toddler group Parents visit with their child for a settling in morning prior to starting in Nursery The children easily transfer into to the Reception class - the Reception class teacher spends time with the children and they have a couple of organised move up practice days When the children move up to Reception, the Nursery teacher takes them for singing and swimming Information is shared between teachers at all levels. How will Hazlegrove help with transitions to the school and later to a new school? Your child’s needs are paramount. In order for your child to be happy at school they must feel safe and secure. As such we ensure plans are made for a child transferring to our school. BAC K