THE LEGACY of WWI WWI would end with an armistice, or cease fire, at the 11 th hour, on the 11 th day, of the 11 th month in So the fighting is done! Now what does America need to do to remain a world power? Have we earned that title? How do the Nations involved in the conflict handle making peace?
Woodrow plans was called the Fourteen Points Outlined a plan for maintaining peace First 5 points aimed to prevent conflict 6 th -13 th Points: Rearranging borders (self-determination) 14 th Point: Create a group of countries to negotiate conflicts (League of Nation)
American Congress did not want to be forced to go to war on account of being in a League of Nations(alliance) Plan was too nice– GB and France thought it lacked punishment against Germany Wanted to take away Germany’s power
As you listen to video clip, write down any notes or vocabulary words that you think are important on notebook page.
Paris Peace Conference Winners met to clean up war damage Major decisions were made by the Big Four: Agreed to create a League of Nations aimed to prevent war and sustain peace Germany and Russia left out Signed between Germany and the Allied Powers (U.S.) (France) (Great Britain) (Italy)
The Treaty was designed to cripple Germany militarily, territorially and economically WAR GUILT CLAUSE Germany had to accept blame for starting WW1 REPARATIONS -Germany forced to pay massive fine for war damages - Germany lost land and overseas colonies GERMANY’S MILITARY FORCES REDUCED
‘Perhaps it would gee-up better if we let it touch earth.’ A British newspaper cartoon, by David Low. Briand, French Prime Minister PRIMARY SOURCE WORK: Interpret the political message intended by the cartoonist – what does the horse represent, what does the cart represent, why is it stuck in the air, who are the two men, why is one carrying a whip and one a shovel – what is the political message ? Lloyd-George, British Prime Minister What is this referring to? What does the horse represent? Why is the cart up- ended? What is meant by the caption? Why is Lloyd-George holding a shovel? Why is Briand holding a whip? Why is a shovel left here? ‘Perhaps it would gee-up better if we let it touch earth.’
Many Americans were scared of communists taking over the American government like they had in Russia
Attorney General Mitchell Palmer ordered federal agents and police to raid the homes and headquarters of suspected communists. Labor Unions and strikes caused people to fear a communist revolution. Many arrests were made without search warrants Red Scare was anti-radical and anti-foreign Gave another reason to dislike or distrust some of the new immigrants