Welcome to Year 9 and Year 10 parents Learn Together, Achieve Together
School Improvement Further improve teaching More student progress Excellent behaviour Excellent attendance Learn Together, Achieve Together
“Don’t tell me the sky’s the limit when there are footprints on the moon.” ~ Paul Brandt
Changes to GCSEs Year 9: Art, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Dance, Double Science, Drama, Food, Geography, History, Languages, Music, PE, Physics, RE - these subjects are all new courses and graded is highest. Year 10: English Language, English Literature, Maths - these subjects are new courses. They are graded 1-9. All other subjects are A*- G. Learn Together, Achieve Together
New GCSE gradings Grade 9: top A* performers Grade 8: other A* performers Grade 7: equivalent to an A Grade 6 : equivalent to mid-high B Grade 5: international benchmark, equivalent to high C-low B Grade 4: equivalent to a C pass Grade 3: equivalent to a D pass Grade 2: equivalent to an E pass Grade 1: equivalent to an F or G pass
How are the new GCSEs examined? All examinations come at the end of the course In most subjects, there will be no controlled assessment or coursework Learn Together, Achieve Together
Implications for teaching Rigorous tracking of progress Testing to ensure students realise their potential in exams Ensuring plenty of time to prepare for exams Learn Together, Achieve Together
My top tip Don’t do homework late at night or late on Sunday Learn Together, Achieve Together