Welcome to Year 9 Parents’ Information Evening “Determined To Be The Best We Can” Headteacher Haydn Stride Deputy Headteacher Bill Holland Head of Year Debbie Winfield
Headlines 2015 At or above National for attainment in 19 subjects: Art3DPE ArtPhysics BiologySpanish Business Studies BTEC Perf. Arts ChemistryScience ChildcareHumanities Computer ScienceBTEC Engineering ConstructionBTEC Construction EnglishBTEC Science Engineering History
Headlines 2015 Achievement: Increased to 993 at whole school Pupil Premium: The overall value added gap increased for students receiving Pupil Premium. National gaps... ? Attainment: 50% 5A*-CEM % 5A*-CEM 2015
1. Outcomes. Target position: Students make substantial and sustained progress across the curriculum and the achievement of disadvantaged students is at least that of students with similar starting points. To achieve this the school will: Close achievement gaps for disadvantaged students in English and Maths 3LoP and 4LoP, compared to national and any internal gaps. Close any gaps in achievement for disadvantaged students in all subjects. Improve achievement in all subjects to in the top 25% nationally Improve Progress 8 results to be in the top 25% nationally. 2. Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Target position: Teachers design learning that demonstrates their highest expectations for all students. To achieve this they will: Develop further their formative assessment practice across the whole school, to impact positively upon progress rates and close gaps. Develop and embed their intervention practice (through ‘spotlight’) that move students back on target, if not making expected progress. Develop a Literacy strategy that impacts positively, to close learning gaps. 3. Personal development, behaviour and welfare. Target position: The school will support all students to be strong confident learners, who are proud of their school and achievements, (especially those disadvantaged). To achieve this the school will: Improve Attendance and PA figures for disadvantaged students to be above that of non-disadvantaged students nationally. (RoL) data. Reduce the gap in exclusion figures to below that of National (RoL) for disadvantaged students. Improve the resilience and the motivation to succeed of all disadvantaged students and remove barriers to progress. 4. Effectiveness of leadership and management Target position: Leaders will create a culture that expects and enables all students to succeed. To achieve this they will: Maintain the outstanding practice evident within the Appraisal Systems, to further enhance the quality of Teaching and Learning. Develop further the flightpath model to enhance KS3-KS4 progress levels at whole school level, to enable effective and accurate evaluation of progress. Middle leaders use the assessment cycle to swiftly identify and meet staff training needs. Enhance further the effectiveness of the Governing body, to enable them to develop both their support and challenge to the school, through the effective use of data. Focus for school development
Summary Focus 2015 Support the appraisal system to develop T&L. Use the assessment cycles to reduce intervention lag. Embed the new summative assessment systems, ‘4 Matrix’. Use the assessment cycles to develop T&L.
Our golden rules 1.We will arrive on time. 2.We will be prepared for learning. 3.We will be positive and try our best. 4.We will show respect in our actions and language. 5.We will listen to the teacher and to each other.
Flightpaths Years 7, 8 & 9
Assessment practice. The milestone assessment frequency is once every two weeks, or at least every six lessons and this needs to include the identified milestone assessments. What went well: Even better if: You now need to: Secure flightpath 3 The use of exploded diagrams are well designed The use of data included A variety of methods to aid presentation, such as bar charts. Produce two different methods to aid presentation, such as bar charts, using this data set, to enhance the effective communication. This will be a developing FP 4 activity.
Assessment practice. What went well: Even better if: You now need to: Produce two different methods to aid presentation, such as bar charts, using this data set, to enhance the effective communication. This will be a developing FP 4 activity. You must show a response to the assessment. You must do what has been asked... progress
Learning Walks Work Scrutiny Observations Homework Independence Support at home Checking your child’s learning Progress
Your curriculum booklet Contents Curriculum development Reporting systems Pastoral systems Information portal Exam information Revision guides E-Safety Head of Department links/contacts Curriculum Information – each subject content
Year 9 Information evening YEAR 9 – : Ms Winfield 4 Matrix – tracking year 9
Progress conversations
Visual aid grade comparison
Value added scores…
…in more detail Expected Actual Points Score Actual Points Score Value Added
Current Year 9
Year 9 Information evening YEAR 9 – : Mr Holland The Information Portal The Options Process Assessment & Reporting
Information Portal With our Information Portal you have up to the minute information on Timetable Homework Attendance Progress Behaviour
Information Portal You can also use the portal to Contact any member of staff Arrange parents evening appointments Report absences Find out exam results Update phone numbers, etc
Information Portal You can access the portal directly from our website There are no usernames to remember! Simply use the address you gave us on your contact details.
Information Portal Choose parents evening appointments to suit you
Information Portal Find out what homework has been set and when it is due
Homework Year 9 Information evening
Information Portal Access all your child’s reports and check their progress Fiona Barton
Information Portal any of your child’s teachers at the click of a button
Information Portal There is a full guide to available on the web-site. If you have any queries or problems then contact Mr Harding
The Year 9 Curriculum Maths6 hours English 6 hours Science 6 hours MFL 4 hours Technology4 hours Computing & Computer Science4 hours PE4 hours Art, Music, Drama2 hours each Integrated Humanities (a & b)5 hours each Year 9 Information evening
The Options Process Students will be informed of the process in mentor time & assembly The Options booklet is issued in January Options Evening on 11 th February Subject Surgery on 25 th February Options returned by 4 th March Year 9 Information evening
The Year 10 Curriculum Year 9 Information evening Maths9 hours English 9 hours Double Science 10 hours PE5 hours PSHE2 hours 3 Option Subjects5 hours each
Offered this year Art & Design - Fine Art Art & Design - 3D Art & Design - Textiles Business Studies Care for Children Computer Science Construction Dance Digital Design Drama Engineering Food Technology Geography Graphic Products Health and Social Care History Horticulture Media Studies Modern Languages - French or Spanish Music GCSE Music BTEC Performing Arts Philosophy and Ethics Product Design Triple Science
Reporting the new GCSEs Year 9 Information evening
Flightpaths: linking to GCSEs
The School Report Year 9 Information evening The reporting process in year 9 will consist of three elements. The expected flightpath. Whether the student is ON or OFF target to achieve this. The Attitude Towards Learning or ATLs. The flightpath is based on the national rates of progress which use the levels achieved at KS2. Students achieving certain levels in Maths, English and Science at KS2 are predicted to achieve a certain GCSE grade by the end of year 11.
Attitudes to Learning ATL’s 1Outstanding / Positive 2Good 3Inconsistent 4Unsatisfactory UUnable to comment
Attendance Year 9 Information evening Attendance Percentage Percentage of Pupils Achieving Minimum 5 GCSE’s at Grade A*-C 100%97% Above 95%84% 95% or below55% 80% or below33% 70% or below4%
Key Dates 19 th November – Year 9 Report (1) Issued 3 rd December – Year 9 Parents Evening 11 th February – Year 9 Options Evening 11 th February – Year 9 Report (2) Issued 25 th February – Year 9 Subject Surgery 5 th May – Year 9 Report (3) Issued 19 th May – Year 9 Subject Surgery Year 9 Information evening
Thank you for attending the Year 9 Parents’ Information Evening “Determined To Be The Best We Can”