Persuasive Writing STAAR Review 2015
BEM sample prompt Read the following quotation. Think carefully about the following statement. According to Dr. Suess, knowledge leads to new opportunities. Write an essay stating your position on whether learning always has a positive effect on a person’s life. Be sure to— State your position clearly Use appropriate organization Provide specific support for your answer Choose your words carefully Edit your essay for CUPS (Capitalization, Usage, Punctuation, and Spelling) “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” --from I Can Read with My Eyes Shut!
Deconstruct the prompt: As you read it… Think persuasively. There are two sides to an argument. Identify both sides of the argument Pick a side Draw a “T”-Chart At the top write Thesis (should & because) Fill out the argument sides Brainstorm an emotional and a logical example Brainstorm one counter argument Call to Action: Consider…
Write your working thesis (position) statement. Thesis: (should & because) Subject + should be (not be)____ because + opinion.
Prewriting: How does it look? Thesis: (should & because) Call to Action: Consider… Side 1 (Your argument) Side 2 (Counter argument) Emotional: Logical: 1.
Call to Action: Consider… Use the word consider to start your sentence. This is your last chance to make sure your essay is persuading the reader. Have your reader leave considering to think or do something as a result of the side you are wanting them to take.
Your turn: Deconstruct the prompt Read the following quotation. “Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” --Robert Kennedy
Your turn cont. : Deconstruct the prompt Think carefully about the following statement. Sometimes sticking your neck out for others gets you into trouble. Write an essay stating your position on which is more important for you as a teenager: standing up for injustice or minding your own business. Be sure to— State your position clearly Use appropriate organization Provide specific support for your argument Choose your words carefully Edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling
Prewriting: Thesis: (should & because) Call to Action: Consider… Side 1 (Your argument) Side 2 (Counter argument) Emotional: Logical: 1.
Expository Writing EOC 1 (9th grade) vs Expository Writing EOC 1 (9th grade) vs. Persuasive Writing EOC 2 (10th grade) What is the difference? Expository (to explain) Thesis= ________(subject) + because + _________(opinion). You are writing on one subject in factual detail with specific examples. Persuasive (to convince) Thesis= _______(subject) should (be or not be) ____because _______(opinion). You are writing to convince the reader to choose the one side you are on with specific reasoning You must know how to write an expository before you can write a persuasive clearly.
Prewriting: Thesis: (because) Restate thesis: (in other words) Subject Point 1: example Point 2:
Deconstruct an Expository Prompt: Read the information in the box below. “In 1935, the Unites States Congress established the Soil Conservation Service (now known as the Natural Resources Conservation Service). The NRCS strives to ensure clean water, air, and energy for all people.
Deconstruct Expository Prompt cont. Think carefully about this statement. The earth has limited resources. Write an essay explaining whether people should be concerned about our natural resources or not worry about natural resources. Be sure to State your position clearly Use appropriate organization Provide specific support for your answer Choose your words carefully Edit your essay for CUPS (Capitalization, Usage, Punctuation, and Spelling)
Writing the Essay 1. Write a 26 line draft using your prewriting as a guide 2. Revise for organization and style 3. Edit CUPS 4. Transfer to answer document