Agenda Juniors - Crucible Freshmen - OMM Authors Purpose
Good Morning/Afternoon Step 1: Please grab your notebook and your copy of the Crucible. Step 2: Please open your notebook to a new page or where you left off of from yesterday, date it, and label it Journal Please go back to the character you chose to take on from a couple weeks ago. Write a new journal entry from their perspective about how things have changed since your last entry. Explain in detail how their life might be forever different after what has happened. Then talk about what your character’s plans are from that point? Example Abigail might plan to run days until next outside reading project is due! By the end of the week come tell Ms. B your outside reading book choice. Remember non-fiction to fiction and reading level.
Good Morning/Afternoon Step 1: Please grab your notebooks & OMM Step 2: Please open your notebook to a new page or where you left off of from yesterday, date it, and label it OMM JOURNAL TAKE YOUR TIME TO... Look at the various examples of discrimination in Of Mice and Men. Find a quote for textual evidence to help describe and support How does discrimination affect different characters? How do characters respond to discrimination, and how does it affect their lives, and the outcome of the story?
Now let’s try writing your own introduction. Look back at your argument/claim and write a first sentence that relates to it in some way. Write it below. Hook: Next, you need to explain to your readers how it relates to your argument/claim. Your explanation does not have to be limited to one sentence. Write your explanation below. Explanation: Finally you will end your introduction with your argument/claim. Argument/Claim/Thesis: Introduction Paragraph
good conclusion: 1. Pie crust: Restate the thesis USING NEW WORDS (paraphrasing) 2. Cheesecake: Review the major points of the essay concisely and USING NEW WORDS 3. Whipped cream: Mention the legacy, significance, lessons we can learn, or other “takeaways” (the “so what”) 4. Strawberry garnish: A final statement that is either a call to action (argumentative), or a more subtle closing thought (informative) Recipe for a Good Conclusion Paragraph