I chose to research about natural disasters as I have always been intrigued to find out more about these disastrous events. By: Asal Zamani
In order to answer my essential question I came up with 4 sub questions to give me clues and help me produce a response for my essential question.
This essay will discuss what statistical data is. Statistical data is a resource that provides information about disaster declarations made between 1981 and 2003 to help communities understand their exposure to various types of natural and human caused disasters. So if an earthquake had occurred in wellington you could check when and where even if though you were in New York. It allows you to access information about presidential declarations and major disasters and emergencies in any state, country or territory.
Searches in statistical data can be related to any kind of disaster. It could be related to any kind from floods to fires. Statistical data helps us by giving us evacuation notices of danger zones and also by reflecting and keeping evidence of major natural disastrous events all throughout the world. The data would keep track of any kind of disaster anywhere in the world at any time. It is based on data from natural disasters all around the world.
They collect the data from national weather stations all around the world. When they send data they include heaps of images, technical reports along with lots of other climate/weather information. The statistics are based on personal injuries, damage estimates and much more. Then they are stored for evidence of the natural disaster and proof that the damage has been done.
This essay will talk about the effects that statistical data has on humans. Statistical data affects humans because if there was no statistical data there would be no proof that a natural disaster happened at all and if your property or business ect was to get destroyed in a disaster and you had no other evidence to back it up then you could just rely on statistical data to back up your information. If an earthquake had happened and your house had collapsed and you had no other evidence you could send the statistical data.
Also based on the disasters that have already happened, if another one was to occur they could give you notice in advance and you could prevent yourself and your loved ones from going through it.
It can also inform you if any natural disasters have happened and when and where they have happened so you can contact your loved ones and check to see if they are ok.
This essay is going to be about the ways of predicting the likelihood of a natural disaster. You could predict the likelihood of some natural disasters by predicting then checking where the sun hits most. Disasters like bushfires are easily predicted this way.
Another way you could predict the likelihood of a natural disaster could be by sequencing the recent natural disasters and by calculating where they happen most.
They could also be predicted by using metrological and satellite systems. You would do this by tracking down the speed, the size and the direction and then you could issue a warning.
You could also predict a natural disaster by predicting the size, location, and timing of natural hazards is virtually impossible, but now, earth scientists are able to forecast hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wildfires, and landslides using fractals. A fractal is a mathematical formula of a pattern that repeats over a wide range of size and time scales. These patterns are hidden within more complex systems.
Some can also be predicted by a sense of precaution and weather changes before the event like heavy rain/snow. But others cannot be predicted or prevented.
This essay is going to be about the advantages we get from keeping statistical data. By keeping statistical data we get the advantage of a record of the event.
Also if anything was to happen to your family, your loved ones or your business or property then there would be proof there to back up your story and also if your assets or your family were covered by insurance then your could also use this as proof.
They would also be able to send evacuation notices so you could save yourself or your friends/family. They would also be able to help you evacuate and tell you the other danger-zones that you should keep out of so you can travel somewhere safe and also warn other people as well.
All of the new knowledge I have gained from answering my sub-questions will help me create a response for my essential question. I also researched a bit more to gain an even deeper understanding to what my question was asking me to explain.
This response is going to be about how to predict a natural disaster based on the evidence that is the statistical data. The number of recorded natural disasters around the world has risen significantly over the past years. On average, 184 people die every day as a result affected a total of 157 million people. Three quarters of the world’s population live in regions that were visited by natural disaster at least once between 1990 and The damage caused by such natural events is also increasing.
Statistical data is a resource that provides information about disaster declarations made between 1981 and 2003 to help communities understand their exposure to various types of natural and human caused disasters. So if an earthquake had occurred in wellington you could check when and where even if though you were in New York. It allows you to access information about presidential declarations and major disasters and emergencies in any state, country or territory.
Statistical data can be used to track down a natural disaster. First scientists examine the statistical data then they check where and when the natural disasters happen. Then they sequence the events that have happened throughout a time period and then they look for any clues that might lead them to their desired answer. Thanks to modern technology we are now far better able to predict natural disasters and to prepare for them in advance, and so minimize damage to the greatest extent possible. The prime aim is to reduce the population’s vulnerability to earthquakes, flooding or storms and to avert any new risks.
Scientists have become better at tracking down natural disasters because of the evidence that statistical data provides. Thanks to this data scientists have also been able to give about many more evacuation notices to help people save themselves and their properties.