Fall of the Western Roman Empire 7.1.2 The Big Idea Problems from both inside and outside caused the Roman Empire to split and the western half to collapse.
Problems in the Empire Main Idea 1 Many problems threatened the Roman Empire, leading one emperor to divide it in half.
Problems in the Empire At its height the Roman Empire included all the land around the Mediterranean Sea.
Problems in the Empire Unfortunately, the empire became too large to defend against invaders or govern (rule) efficiently. Some Emperors gave up territory because they feared the empire had become too large. Roman territories were like American states.
Problems in the Empire Another problem Rome faced was a lack of farmers. Rome lost a lot of farmers because so many people were needed for the army. This also led to disease and high taxes, which also threatened Rome’s survival.
Division of the Empire Emperor Diocletian divided the empire because it was too big for one person to rule. Diocletian
Division of the Empire Emperor Constantine moved the empire’s capital from the city of Rome to the eastern city of Byzantium. A mosaic of Constantine
Division of the Empire Constantinople The new capital city of Byzantium became known as Constantinople. Power now resided in the eastern part of Rome. Power no longer resided in the western city of Rome. Byzantium Welcome to Constantinople
What do you notice about the outlining part of Constantinople? What types of buildings do you notice? It’s protected with walls See the next slide
Life in Constantinople Constantinople was the capital city of the Byzantine Empire. Constantinople was a bustling city where people of diverse backgrounds came to exchange goods and ideas. Most city life took place toward the eastern edge of town, where the city’s palace, public stadium, and most notable church were located.
Here is a scene from Constantinople
Barbarian Invasion Main Idea 2: Barbarians invaded Rome in the 300s and 400s. German Barbarians Goths
Barbarian Invasion Not long after Rome’s capital moved, German barbarians raided the Roman Empire causing wars between the Romans and the barbarians. Roman soldiers German Barbarians
The Govern-ator!! Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger once stared in a movie about the Germanic Barbarians called Conan – The Barbarian.
Barbarian Invasion In the late 300s, a new group from Central Asia, called the Huns, invaded Europe. The Goths fled from the Huns and moved into the western part of Rome. He is a Goth Attila the Hun (below)
The Sacking of Rome The Goths eventually destroyed the city of Rome after Rome quit paying them not to attack. The Goths sacked, or destroyed, the city of Rome in 410 A.D .
The Empire in Chaos The Goths’ victory encouraged other groups to invade the western half of the empire including the Vandals, and the Huns
How many different invaders do you count?
The Empire in Chaos A Barbarian general overthrew the last weak emperor in Rome and named himself king in 476. This event is considered the end of the western Roman Empire. The Eastern part of Rome still stood.
Factors in the Fall of Rome Main Idea 3: Many factors contributed to Rome’s fall.
Factors in the Fall of Rome The large size of the empire made it hard to govern. Barbarian invasions weakened the empire. Corruption, or the decay of people’s values, in politics led to inefficiency in government. Bribes and threats were used to achieve goals. Wealthy citizens began to leave Rome, making life more difficult for those who remained.
14. Rome initially tried to stop Christianity 14. Rome initially tried to stop Christianity. The religion then became popular after some Roman Emperors converted to the religion. A. True B. False
15. Why did the Roman Emperor Diocletian divide Rome into two? Because he wanted an easier job. Because invaders were threatening to take it over. Because it was too big for one ruler. Because he needed to raise more taxes.
16. The capital of the Roman Empire moved from ____ to _____. A. Byzantium; Constantinople B. Rome; Constantinople Rome; Italy Constantinople; Rome
17. All of the following groups were invaders into Rome, EXCPET… A. Germanic Barbarians B. Byzantines. Goths Huns.
18. Which was NOT a factor in the fall of Rome? Roman emperors supported the growth of Christianity. The large size of the empire made it hard to govern. Corruption in politics led to poor government rulers. Barbarian invasions weakened the empire.