The Sentence and Its Parts II
Verb Phrase Review The two parts of a verb phrase are the helping/auxiliary verb AND the main/action verb. Helping verbs = am is are was were be being been can could will would shall should may might must have has had do did does Example = have written
Review = subjects and predicates Finding simple subject and simple predicate Finding complete subject and complete predicate Finding compound subject, compound verbs, and compound predicate
Kinds of Sentences Declarative = makes a statement, declares a fact, and ends in a period. Interrogative = asks a question and ends in a question mark. Imperative = gives a command and usually ends with a period. If the command is strong, it may end in a exclamation mark. Exclamatory = expresses strong emotion and ends with an exclamation mark.
Subject Complements Complements = words that complete the meaning or action of verbs. Subject complement = words that follow a linking verb and identify or describe the subject Linking verbs = am is are was were appear become feel look remain sound taste grow
Subject Complements Predicate Adjectives = subject complements that describe or modify the subject The snow was heavy. Predicate Nominatives = subject complements that are nouns or pronouns. They identify, rename, or define the subject. The trip became a nightmare.
Objects of Verbs CROSS OUT THE PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES. Find the subject by asking whom or what the sentence is about. Find the verb or verb phrase by asking what the subject did. Find the Direct Object by asking what a third time. Find the Indirect Object by asking to whom, for whom, or to what.
Examples Residents near this airport dislike the noise. The plumber’s assistant handed him a wrench. Robots are replacing people in some factories. Mrs. White has been teaching students French for ten years.
Objective Complements Objective Complements = a noun or adjective that follows the direct object and identifies or describes it. Only a few verbs and their synonyms can be followed by objective complements: appoint, call, choose, consider, elect, find, keep, make, name, and think Some historians consider Polo’s tales unreliable.