The Music Classroom Alison Koelper Music Director
Kindergarten Students are expected to participate appropriately in class activities. Students explore, practice, and reinforce concepts such as high/low, fast/slow, loud/quiet, and steady beat. Songs, games, instruments, and movement activities are presented in order to appeal to all types of learners.
First Grade Students learn about musical form, dynamics, rhythmic patterns, phrases, and more. First graders will play xylophones, glockenspiels, boomwhackers, unpitched percussion instruments, and more. Movement in music is emphasized in first grade. Students complete a movement activity in every lesson.
Second Grade Students explore vocal technique, ostinato, tempo, time signatures, phrasing, pitched instruments, measures, and coda Mallet Madness Unit – students will greatly expand their xylophone technique and begin reading basic music notation while playing xylophones Students will SING, DANCE, MOVE, HEAR, TOUCH, and EXPERIENCE music.
Third Grade Mallet Madness Unit – students will expand their xylophone technique and begin to learn songs by reading printed music rather than learning parts by rote. Students will add dynamics, ties, sixteenth notes, rounds, instrument technique, and music reading skills to their musical repertoire. Christmas Program & Stations of the Cross Eagle Ringers 3 – Students in 3 rd grade can check out handbell music and techniques during AM recess on Wednesdays.
Fourth Grade Students begin to explore many advanced musical concepts such as: syncopation, advanced instruments, pick-up notes, 6/8 time, triplets, counter melody, major/minor, and 12 bar blues Recorder Unit – students will participate in Recorder Karate, earning reward belts for progress Movement Activities – focus on moving to the music in a more abstract way with less focus on beat, more focus on musicality
Fifth Grade Students continue to add advanced musical concepts to their knowledge base: conducting, mixed meter, scale, descant, theme & variations, rondo form, 1 st /2 nd endings, and musical expression Movement Activities – Similar to 4 th grade, but with more advanced music.
Ensembles Alleluia Singers (grades 4-8) T/TH Eagle Ringers (grades 4-8) W Recorder Choir (grade 4) Beginning Orchestra (grade 5) M/W/F Advanced Orchestra (grade 6-8) M/TH Beginning Band (grade 6) M/T/W/F Advanced Band (grade 7-8) T/F
Christmas Program Preschool through 3 rd Grade participate Thursday, December 1:30 and 7:00 in the church Students are to dress up for the evening performance Bid on reserved seats and parking at the auction!
Music Concerts Alleluia Singers, Bands, Orchestras Fri., Dec. 1:30 in the gym Alleluia Singers & Orchestras Thurs., May 1:30 & 7:00 in the gym Bands Thurs., May 1:30 & 7:00 Report time for evening performances will be 6:45 Please mark these dates on your calendar