1.Without talking, please get out your English binder. 2. Put your backpacks in the back of the room. 3. Sharpen your pencil if you need to. If you need a pencil, you may borrow one from my desk. 4. Write down the following vocabulary word. 1. intricate: complicated; complex
Lesson 9 Continued… Objectives: SWBAT read out-loud fluently and with expression. Also, we are going to review some grammar.
Grammar Some clarifications: In every sentence, there is a main verb. The main verb of a sentence is either a ________linking verb_____________ or an _________action verb________________. In most cases, the main verb is the last verb in the sentence. However, there are sentence structures where this is not the case. Helping verbs do the following: 1. They usually come before the main verb. 2. If there are helping verbs in a sentence, they tell you the tense of the verb.
Grammar Article: The, a, an Adjectives: modify nouns Adverbs: a lot of the times, these end in –ly. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Note: Not and never are ALWAYS adverbs.
Example 1 The = article Furry = adjective Cat = common noun Is = linking verb Extremely = adverb Angry = adjective Simple Subject = cat Simple Predicate = is
Example 2 The = article Black = adjective Cat = common noun Had = helping verb Been = helping verb Running = action verb; past perfect continuous Very = adverb Quickly = adverb Simple Subject = cat Simple Predicate = had been running
Example 3 Elizabeth’s = proper possessive noun Friend = common noun Will = helping verb Be = linking verb Angry = adjective Simple Subject = friend Simple Predicate = will be
Example 4 Elizabeth’s = proper possessive noun Friend = common noun Will = helping verb Be = helping verb Eating = action verb; future continuous Simple subject = friend Simple predicate = will be eating
The Importance of Being Earnest Get into your groups. Use the handout from yesterday to help plan your performances. You will have time to rehearse on Thursday.
Announcements: Performances this Friday!!!! This counts as a major test grade.